Anna Björk 7 years.

Can you imagine our first born is turning 7? Well we don´t. She has finished her first year of school and she has made it with great success. The shy little girl is not so shy any more and has turned into a happy girl with great interest and a strong will. She has learnt how all the letters, she can read small text and she knows how to text. She also doing maths.

Her greatest interest is still watching movies and she can still sit in and watch movies a whole day – if she is allowed to. Next to her interest is dancing. She is performing English wals like she has never done any thing else before.

This year she started to increase her interest for horses. She rides all by her self and she loves her ”Rodi” very much.

Her pink bunny that she calls ”Nenne” is still with her and she seeks him as soon as she is home from school or what ever she has been doing during the day. Nenne is getting a bit old and ruff, so she has dressed him up in a doll cloth. She could not make if he would tear apart.

Summer camp

At the moment I am on summer camp. Before lunch we are riding horses and they are teaching us how to take care of horses. Not so much new for me while so nice to ride and be arround horses. After lunch we are having plenty of sports activities. My very best friend HM and her brother G are too on this camp. So much fun!

Guess who is visiting Iceland Our last neighbour TR!! She came for a visit at KI kindergarten and when mom picked her up she was so thrilled and asked mom if she could visit her again. And we were so lucky. TR´s mom called us later on and asked KI to come for a visit. One year has past and the two girls hadn´t forgotten any of their friendship…

Horse trip and a new family member

We are back after one week of horse trip vacation. As always we girls are taking part of the trip and we just love to be arround when mom and dad is riding. You can find lots of pictures here

Yesterday evening we recieved the news we have got a new cousine. Mom´s brother Kalle and his wife gave birth to a son. We are so happy about it and we are really looking forward to meet this new life.

On Friday is my birthday 🙂

Last day of school

Yesterday I had my last day of  my first year in school.  We do not get any grades this year while my teacher had written to mom and dad about my performance. She said I have learnt all the letters, I can read and I can text. I also have learnt counting both equals and negatives. I am doing very well in athletics. She also said that I am always happy and is doing well with  my other school mates.

So for now… Summer vacation here we go!

This week I will be helping mom at her work. They have plenty of computers so it will be more than fun. Next week we have planed a long horse trip to the beaches. I will stay some times at grand pa Markus place and then of course we will go to Sweden. I am really looking forward to see grand pa’s and this years is something special as we a waiting for a little cousine to arrive….

Hey you.

We are updating our website to wordpress. Stay tuned and you will find all our information soon

Anna Björk and Karin Inga