Intill här kommer vi nu att fortsätta med en ny ”månadsbildssida” och det är för vår lilla nykomling. Så småningom kommer vi att presentera hennes riktiga namn.
Nyfödd liten princessa
Ett svar på ”En ny sida”
Another girl!! How’s the husband feel about that? lol
Beautiful baby Maria. I’m so happy for you and the family. It’s always nice to have a baby in the house………….sometimes 🙂
The girls are getting so big. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by and how they grow.
Enjoy your new addition and blessings to all of you!
Another girl!! How’s the husband feel about that? lol
Beautiful baby Maria. I’m so happy for you and the family. It’s always nice to have a baby in the house………….sometimes 🙂
The girls are getting so big. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by and how they grow.
Enjoy your new addition and blessings to all of you!