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Welcome to Bangsiland
Our mom made this site for us with this nice Pooh theme and of course it is copy-right Disney on all Pooh pictures. The purpose of this site is not commercial only to joy my friends and family!

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Bangsímon is Pooh's icelandic name and Bangsi is the ice-landic word for teddy bear so that's the reason for this web-sites' name.

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| Updated 24 10 2006| Webmaster | ©bangsiland 2004-2006 |This site is protected by copyright law |
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Right now – Tuesday 24 October 2006

Renting a house at Laugarvatn

Our weekend has been just lovely. Dad came home Thursday evening and the day after we all went to a house nearby the small village Laugarvatn. The house was perfect, we were very lucky with the weather and it all was so fun and nice being a whole family again.

In the yard it was an outside hot tube and you bet it was great sitting outside watching all the stars. Temperature was under zero while water was round 38 degrees so it was not cold or anything like. We did not have any Nordic light which was a pity while the stars was incredibly to watch. Dad and mom were sipping on drinks I did too - of course I did - I am a big party girl, remember? Well, I had orange juice in my glass...

In the yard there was also a play station for us kids and we played a lot there. Have a look at all our pictures to see how fun we had.

Our relative Nonne came for visit and had supper with us on Sunday afternoon. He has been - or still is - one of the greatest actors here in Iceland. Last year he was nominated for an Oscar award for "best abroad short film" however he did not receive it while I thought it was best movie ever!

I am back at play school and up coming next am travelling to Borganes as we are going to bring in the horses. We have to give them worm treatment and we will take off all shoes.

Have a nice week and see you soon again!


24.10 – First page, gallery, monthly picture Anna Björk
16.10 – first page, gallery, bvc report KarinInga, Monthly picture Karin Inga

NEWS: Mom has made a new site for her art craft collection, see more here

News: Mom's weight blog – follow mom on her way back to normal weight.

:.older Right Now – history over view

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