Lamb collection in Snaefellsnes

Last weekend we went to see something really exiting!! We went to see when they brought the lamb down from the hills. It took them all Saturday and the lamb were collected by horses, people and dogs.
We stayed at our grand father's place and during the Sunday we were watching the lamb being sorted out to each owner. Of course mom had to try!
I have now accepted to be at the play school and there are no problem for me to be left while I am always very happy to see mom or dad picking me up. Mom is working each other day and she loves being back at work – I wonder why, didn't she like to be at home with us children? I asked mom about it and she smiled at me telling me she loved those days being home with us. This is how things work in life, she has to be at work and I has to be at play school. This is how you are developing yourself by meeting friends and learning things. She huged me and told me now it is even more nice to be with me and Titti when she is at home. Right she is! We are always doing nice things together while at home!
We also went to Yðstu-garðar for visiting dad's uncle.
I have met Pippi Långstrump. It is my new favourite and I tell stories about her. We watched Pippi at my play school and all the other children sat down on the floor. Can you imagine - ON THE FLOOR!! I always watch a moving sitting on a chair, so I did. Brought a chair infront of all children and sat down...
Home sweet home
Hello we are back home again! Our trip has been so wonderful and brought us lots of nice memories. First out were Jämtland in north of Sweden and our Summerhouse. Mom got more or less a chock when she saw the grass field! It had meter high grass so she had to cut it piece by piece with a hand machine. Phu, it was heavy work. She managed though so we could take final grass with the tractor. I drove and mom sat behind me - that's fun!
Than we went to Rättvik and Dalarna and now dad joined up. We had lots of sunny weather and lots of nice time together with Ingela and Kalle. Last week of our vacation we were in Stockholm.
Good to be back home though and up coming is mom starting to work in beginning of September and dad will be at home with Titti. I will start at play school. Wow, I am exiting about it.
My sweet sister has developed increasable much lately; she turns on her stomach, she has found her feet and toes and she grabs everything she sees. Just like me she is reading the paper, a bit roughly and when she is done there is no paper any longer. Hm, dad says I was exactly the same… And she has got her first tooth. Soon she will be biting mom, ha ha ha. Mom is introducing food to her and she loves it. Corn pure and oats porridge she loves most while vegetable and meat pure is ok but not her favourite. She likes different kind of fruits too. Anyway she is much more fond of food than I was. Well, she cannot complain over me any longer! I am eating very well and almost everything.
Dad is in Norway working and has been for 4 days now. I miss him a lot! Yesterday I found a picture of him and me and I was talking to him. You see I believe he wills here me through the picture. I have developed my language a lot lately and I talk about lots of things all the time I am awake. I have also grown 5 cm during last month!
This weekend we have fixed my room - or rather our room - as she has moved into my room too. Mom fixed Tittis bedroom and the bedroom to my dolls. We also got new curtains.
Tomorrow I will go and visit my play school! Wow it will be exiting. I am very happy as it only 200 meters from where we live. I will start 28 of August.
Sweden here we come!
On Thursday mom Titti and I are heading for Sweden. Mom says it was a long time since she was longing so much to see her parents, my grand parents. We will fly to Stockholm where grannies will pick us up for travelling further to the Summerhouse in north of Sweden. There we will stay for about 2 weeks. Mom has also promised to see great grandma. She is 88 and was recently moving to an elderly home.
Best of all though finally dad has decided and has ordered his flight to Sweden! We all knew it could be tight as his work takes lots of time now days. He will join up when we have arrived to Kalle, my uncle, in Dalarna. Then we will visit Santa World and the Brown Bear Zoo. It is from this area this traditional "dalahäst" – dalecarlian horse – is coming from. My uncle is a chief at Dale Carlia - a big conference and relaxing hotel in Rättvik.
Last week of our vacation we will be in Stockholm. Lots of fun things coming up so you can understand I am thrilled!
Last week we were in Skagafjördur watching Landsmot. It was great seeing all this tremendous horses while weather wasn't too good. Probably we all got a bit cold as this week mom and I have been more or less sick. We are now home recovering by staying inside watching lots of movies…
Mom has started to give Titti corn pure. She loves it!
As you probably understand there will be a summer break on Bangsiland while I can promise you lots of fun pictures and reports when I am back!
Take care and I wish you all a wonderful summer!
See ya!

I had a wonderful birthday!! When I woke up I got lots of presents; helmut and a summer dress from grandparents in Sweden, a saddle from mom and dad and puzzles, baking things from my sister Karin Inga. We went to the swimming pool and even Karin Inga was bathing today. I loved it of course and it seems like Karin Inga loved it too. She did not say anything and just relaxed in the pool.
Markus and Stefan came to me and we had some sausages. Then we went to "Husdyragardurinn" which is the Icelandic Zoo. Wow, it was great to be there watching all animals and also all the other things you could do. When we came home mom had made a teddy bear cake while dad did not think mom is particularly good in baking. I liked it anyway.
On the Sunday mom, Kajsa and I went to Borganes and I could try my new sadle and helmut. I was very good in riding and I did it all myself. Mom and Kajsa were really proud of me. Look at all my pictures from my day.
On Friday we will head north for Landsmot - the great icelandic horse competition.
2 years birthday coming up!
On Saturday 24th I will be 2 years old. Wow, time flies mom thinks it’s like yesterday she saw me for the first time. I have grown into a curious happy child with a strong will and completely unafraid. I like dancing and parties and have already shown I am a “night animal” as I like to sleep in the mornings and do not want to go to bed particularly early. I like horses and football – and I assume mom is not very happy about the football thing… I like to talk to people and am never afraid of strangers. I am a daddy’s girl and even if I love mom he is my idol and my hero. He is the one I am turning to in all kind of situations when I need consoles. During my first years my toughest thing to learn is to eat real food. Actually mom and dad had huge troubles in teaching me to like eating. As a matter of fact I did not like it at all and sometimes they sat 40 minutes every time trying to feed me. I guess I have to thank Lilja – my day care nanny – as she learnt me how tasty food really is. Today I like almost everything while sausages is my ever-best favourite food.
We have been on our second horse trip. I sat in the car together with dad and Titti. Mom was riding and it was raining cats and dogs. Because of the weather ebb was not like usual and in one path they had to swim with the horses. Burr, it must have been freezing, as it cannot be warmer than 6 degrees in the sea. Mom was a bit afraid about her breastfeeding so she quite rather soon after. A hot bath and some rest cover all troubles so Titti still had food the day after.
Yesterday mom and dad had great news – we have got permission to build our own house!! Our land is nearby we live now and if plan follows we will start building summer/fall 2007.
Cowboy Party in Grundafjördur
Last weekend we went up to my aunties in Grundafjördur. Kristin was celebrating her 30's birthday by inviting all her friends and family to a country western party. We all wore jeans and cowboy hats. I love parties and was dancing like ever before. I was also playing football with my cusine Thorre and as a matter of fact I am pretty good at it. Whatever mom is proud of that or not is a good question, as she is not particularly found of football.
I am continuing at "Rolo" and at the moment mom is trying to leave me there alone. Yesterday I was there for an hour without mom and it was ok. I was playing with all the children and I had lots of fun.
I am increasing my word vocabulary and I am learning new words every day. I am still mixing Icelandic and Swedish while it's a bit better. This morning I said 2 words at the time "pappa bil" which means I told mom dad went with his car.
Titti has been growing rapidly and is smiling and talking like never before. She is still much calmer than I was while she can be mad too. Yesterday she was really pissed as mom left us in the car while she ran into the shop. We were sleeping so she did not want to wake us up however Titti woke up and went completely mad, as mom did not respond at once. Mom was only away for a couple of minutes but Titti could not accept it. I was still sleeping I did not bother at all…
The other day mom was organizing her sewing things into different boxes. Do you wanna know what I did? When she did not watch I put all her cotton reels into my car. It went many days until she discovered what I had done. He he he… I like fooling mom!
See ya
Hard Rock Hallelujah
Saturdays it was Eurovision Song Contest and I was watching and dancing all the time. I loved Carola; the Swedish singer while the Finish song “Hard Rock Hallelujah” was amazingly cool. Mom danced with me while dad shakes his head saying mom is crazy...
I probably have the most wonderful and calm sister anyone can have! Her stomach ace in the evening is gone so she is completely satisfied with everything. Her good night sleep starts about 20.30 and she does not wake up until 06:30. She gets her first breakfast and falls asleep again until 07.45 when she gets her second breakfast. We all get up at 08 having breakfast with dad before he leaves for work.
I do not like to go to bed early in the evening and who does when dad comes home so late from work I want to be some time with him! Usually I fall asleep at 21:30 and that too late mom says. Of course it’s difficult for me to wake up in the mornings.
I have my second breakfast about nine. At 10 we all go to Rolo where I am playing with my friends. Titti has her first day sleep. At noon we are having lunch and then time for me to have my day sleep. Titti gets her lunch too. I sleep for 2 hours and Titti does too. Then I am ready for playing. Sometimes we go to the stable, sometimes we go swimming and sometimes we are out rocking. Mom is very pleased with it.
Titti has started to raise her head while lying on her stomach. She does not like it at all as a matter of fact she does not exercise at all. Mom says she’s glad she did not get one more child just like me. I wonder what she means about that?
Tomorrow I will celebrate my grand father Markus on his birthday.