Wednesday 31. October 2007
It's WednesdayYes, back on right track again. 67.5 though I have to admit I haven't working too hard on diet. While I guess I am eating rather healthy most of the time as I am pretty use this "new" food habits.
Yesterday evening I baked this bread and served it for breakfast this morning. I had still left some Swedish Västerbotten cheese and Messmör. I haven't have any butter on my bread for one year now while sometimes I want something more than jsut cheese or ham. Messmör only contain 5% of fat which is good. Hummus is also something I have discovered and I like it more and more. It seems like icelanders have found it too because lately you can find it in every store. As always, in the beginning it was very expensive though last week I found my local store "Bonus" had made one in it's brand. Of course it was much cheaper than all the other brands. And surpisingly it tasted very well.
Last days winterwonder land here in iceland have made all starting to talk about Christmas. And as always, I am longing a lot! Sunday evening we watched Christmas Greetings with Chevy Chase and it is as best as every year. This year we will travel to Sweden and I think we have never been so many we will be this year. My brother and his wife, her father, my familly and my daughters "grannies" (mom and dad). Dad called me the other day and told we will cut our own christmas tree on the 23.rd. It will be a great experience for both B and the girls. For reasons B hasn't cut any Christmas tree in his life. :) I whish for lots of snow!

Comment? 31.10.2007 kl. 08:001
Monday 29. October 2007
Soup for lunchI didn't put any coco milk into the soup. I made one more and mixed them together and results were less strong as it was from the beginning. I served that with the bread I baked yesterday. I also was so lucky there was some pizza left from Saturdays' meal. :)

Comment? 29.10.2007 kl. 18:51
Sunday 28. October 2007
Lazy SundayI tried to do as little as possible as I found I really needed to rest. After AB and I came home from her athletic class we were watching Christmas greeting from Mickey Mouses and his friends which made me longing even more to Christmas. This year I am writing a farytale about King Bore. It will be launched 1st of Dec. You can read about it here Kung Bores Rike
Anyway, after being lazy for a very long time I had to do something, though NOT taking care of the laundry neither cleaning the house. I had no energy for it! Instead I made a bread I also prepared a soup for tomorrow while I guess I put too much chili. I am planning to put some coco's milk into it and then it will be less strong. I will tell you later how it tasted.

Comment? 28.10.2007 kl. 18:51
Saturday 27. October 2007
- Work and quality time with the girlsYup it's true I went to work at 08 this morning and I am actually quite proud of me. There are not many Saturdays I do work as my believes tell me that not work in the weekends. Life needs quality time. Though this was an exeption as a matter of fact I did get many days off when I was in Sweden and I need to work those hours to get fully paid. And thinking about all the things I bought I guess I need all this hours...
Anyway, after lunch I spent lots of quality time with the girls. We went to the play garden and taught the little one how to ride a bike. She loved it! After an hour both me and the girls were very tired so back at home we slept for 2 hours. You bet it was nice!
At the moment I am preparing pizza made out of dinkel and it will be served with ham, pepperoni, onion, olives, mushroms and of course cheese. I am using mozarella as it is less fat. To this I will serve a pizza sallad. Yummy :) Have a nice evening all of you!
Comment? 27.10.2007 kl. 18:51
Wednesday 24. October 2007
- New designFinally I have learnt how to work with stylesheets. You might find some bugs while you have just to be patient. Some day it will be ok.
I had hoped for a more less than this and I guess I haven't tried hard enough. I need to get exercising though its like the step to start is too high. FOCUS!!
Yesterday I went to see my friends and we already set a date for "christmas-tasting" Same as last year I will serve glögg and traditional christmas bread. I am looking forward :)
Comment? 24.10.2007 kl. 18:00
Friday 19. October 2007
- GI planBest thing about being back after a mini break filled with all these extra things you really get motivation back. I have made next weeks menue and it has lots of GI-friendly food. I realieze there are many more options to GI-food in Sweden than we have here and of course much cheaper. In Iceland I have to go to special stores to find Dinkel Lasagna and "krossat linfrö" Psulludum frö I do not find here. Lucky me I brought plenty of it with me! Tonight I will make dinkelpankakes filled with chicken... on Saturday I will serve Lasagna and I am planning to bake plenty of healthy bread. I brought fresh yeast so here will be lots of baking done :) What else to tell. Not much as I am working, working and working and will do as I have some hours to make out from my vacation. I am planning to start swimming again though. And I am longing for christmas. I know. It is early.
Comment? 24.10.2007 kl. 18:00
Thursday 18. October 2007
- I'm backThough I can understand many of you thought I had left this planet or so... But, to make a very long story short. I have been on a trip to Sweden. I was supposed to go working while my client postponed all with a very short notice. I had all booked and when the client will pay for it - and my boss told me to enjoy a free trip - I took the opportunity to go visit "grannies" and brought my little one with me. Vacation is always nice though I realize I have been living a little bit too much. Weight is 68,5... which means I have gained 1.5 kg since last weight time. Shame, shame. Back to normal and I will do something about it - first thing on today´s schedule!
Comment? 22.10.2007 kl. 21:53
Wednesday 03. October 2007
- Vacation coming upThis didn't surprise me I have been out of focus last days and longing of too much of sweetnes. Now I need to refocus and most of all I need to get exercising! Horses will be brought out to its rest tonight so it will make things much easier for talking this walk I used to do. I also need to do some swimming. I went once on my lunch and I felt so good after. Why did I quit? Most of all I am looking forward to the weekend. We have rent a summer house in the countryside and we will take a couple of hours off on Friday and Monday. Just do get a little bit longer weekend. At the moment I am trying to figure out what to eat. I found a great soup here and this parmesan stick really sounds great. It will be a starter on Saturday night. On Friday I am thinking of doing dinkel pancakes with some filling as we will as Thursday traditions says make some pancakes tomorrow night and I can make some extra. Easy, quick and healthy for Friday night. On Sunday I do not know? Any sugestions?
Comment? 22.10.2007 kl. 21:53
Tuesday 02. October 2007
- Motivation out of focusYesterday I read on the news miss Spears lost costedy of her 2 son's. Gosh I would gone crazy if something like that happened to me and my children. Wich reminds me of how happy I am living in a great relationship with the father of my two daughters. I will give B an extra hug later for being such a great person. Sundays I made one of the most delicious dinner I ever have made for a very long time. I took picture of it so later will bring a snap shot of it; lamb steak with oven baked sweet potatoes, potatoes and butternut pumpkins. And I made a sauce out of the juice and put 1 tbl spoon of blue berry jam. Yummy :) When it comes to my diet plan I am kind of lost. I am trying to think and work on it while motivation is for the moment out of focus. I hope my figures will not be too drastic tomorrow morning. I need to start exercising again.