Wednesday 05. December 2007
SicknessI haven't tried my weight today. I have been lying sick since Saturday and still is...
Comment? 27.11.2007 kl. 22:00
Wednesday 28. November 2007
Christmas feastToday I will get a face make over :) You bet I will enjoy every minute of it... Weight. Yes, no new figure - no plus - no minus. I guess I should be rather satisfied with it.
On Friday we will go on a christmas feast and my fear - and hope - is to find plenty of nice things to eat. And no, I will not calculate any calories that night.
Comment? 27.11.2007 kl. 22:00
Tuesday 27. November 2007
Christmas is coming to townI don't know what to say about this layout. In one way it is a bit too non-christmas. We will see if I will keep it or not.
Days are filled with work so that's why I haven't written any here for a while. I think it will be a little bit less to do in December and I will be able to write more about daily things.
One thing I would like to do some comersial for is my christmas story I have written for the girls. It will be launched 1st of Decemeber and you will follow a great adventure every day until 24th! Kung Bores Rike
Comment? 27.11.2007 kl. 22:00
Wednesday 21. November 2007
1.5 kg leftI am satisfied with this weeks results! May be I am finally reaching goals!
And it is less than 2 weeks left for 1st Advent. Oh, you bet I am longing! I have planned I will decorate for Christmas this Sunday. On Thursday I will have some of my friends here and we will pre-start a bit as I have done some baking you know :)
Comment? 15.11.2007 kl. 08:00
Sunday 18. November 2007
A mother of todays'When I came up with its brilliant idea to spend some hours in the kitchen baking it occured to me I am definately a mom in the new generation. I don't know when I followed a recipie from a book I am always reading from my lap top I have next to me in the kitchen. ;) The girls werer helping me with "pepparkaksskorpor" and Saffransbröd. I know it is a bit early though it was very nice to feel christmas smell in the flat.

Comment? 15.11.2007 kl. 08:00
Thursday 15. November 2007
ConferenceYesterday we arranged a great conferense - "Ekki var unnið eftir verklagsreglum?" - You didn't work towards any procedures? And it was amazing to see how great interst this made. The conference was advertised last Wednesday and on Thursday before lunch 80 people had already been registered. We had 98% of the 140 that show up and six more people came. Incrediably. However may be not too surprising as procedures has been a "hot topic" for some while and has got lots of attention in media. Today my oldest woke up with high fever and I will be at home until 14 then I will go for a meeting.
My weight hasn't moved anything and I am satisfied so far. I have definately understood these last kg will take a very long time. May be 67-68 is my normal weight - who knows?
Comment? 15.11.2007 kl. 08:00
Tuesday 13. November 2007
A new wool!Time flies. Tomorrow is weight day. While I will not be able to update page until later in the afternoon. We are having a great conference tomorrow morning and I have to meet up at 07:15... Early morning what to say?
I have made a new wool and I am very satisfied with design and it fits me very well. :)

Comment? 13.11.2007 kl. 20:21
Wednesday 7. November 2007
Happy birthday mom!Happy happy birthday to you! Last two days have been filled with heavy work until 23 in the evening. You bet I am tired though this gives me extra hours for my vacation during the christmas holidays! -0,5 this week and I have 2 kg's left. When will I reach goals?
Comment? 07.11.2007 kl. 08:00
Saturday 3. November 2007
A wonderful dayAB came early into our bed this morning and we started to talk about what we would like to do today. She remembered I had talked about the woods earlier this week and she told it was exactly what she wanted to do. While she didn't want do have any hot dogs. She wanted meatballs and macaronies. And ketchup. And hot chocolate. And she wanted her dad to come with her. I guess B had slightly hang over though he did not complain when we told him about today's schedule.
Weather conditions were not as best though not too bad either. We were well dressed and on our way we bought some woods we could use for a fire. It was so nice lighting a fire and cooking lunch outside. I enjoyed every minute.
Back at home I made a "home spa" in our hot tube. The girls gave me many kinds of bath oils, and body scrubs and body creams that I have been waiting special occation to use. Today was it.
At the moment while writing I have lighted lots of candles and will very soon start with tonights' dinner; Tacos. And red wine.
I should have days like this more often.

Comment? 03.11.2007 kl. 17:12
Friday 2. November 2007
New fish dishOn my way home from work B called me he was going out tonight. It didn't surprise me as he had mention it for some days ago. Great time for him though I hope he will not be too tired tomorrow as I have promised the girls to take a long walk in the woods and to have some barbequing and hot chocolate. And I know the girls really want to have their father with us. It is not my head ace and I will go what so ever. Tonight it will start a new Swedish thriller by Camilla Läckberg on the telly I am going to watch. I have read almost all her book so I hope the movie will be as good as the book :)
Anyway, yesterday this fish dish dish was launched and I decided to tried it. I have it in the owen right now and will tell you later how it was. Instead for Hook I used fresh cod and I guess I need to cut the time a bit.
later... it tasted very well though it was "hot". Something I will definately cook again:)

Comment? 02.11.2007 kl. 20:00
Thursday 1. November 2007
Freezing degreesThis morning it was very cold and it took me a while to get car window in order. I wish for such weather for the weekends. I am hoping to get some quality time in the woods and I have promised my oldest one to barbeque hot dogs and to drink hot chocolate out side. She told me this morning she wanted to go by air plane to grannies and to have a walk with her grand father in the woods. I told her it's not much time left until she will and I continue we will cut our own Christmas tree.
Thursday and 1st of November. Gosh time flies! Tonight, as same procedures as every Thursday I will serve yellow pie soup and pancakes. :)
I was goggling in my computer and found this picture I took last year. It describes today’s weather very well :)