70 kg this week. Does it mean I will be 69 or 69,5 next week - which means
I will finally break the magic line? Future will tell.
Anyway it felt good I am on right track again and of course results depends on being following diet plan. It does not matter if you are exercising if you are not eating properly. Tonight we will have salmon made in the owen with potatoes and a tomatoesauce.
Monday, Monday... I must say it is something magic with 70 kg. Its like I
will never reach weight below that number and that I have been fighting on
same weight forever. Well, not really true...
Yesterday I made a very tasty meat dish with kidney beans, cummin, and lots of other vegetables. Actually I have made lots of dishes from this site. Have a look on Salmondish Sausage pot The dishes I have served with potatoes or dinkel pasta. Yummie!
Already Friday! What happened with this week? I have been doing pretty well
since I came home and I hope weekend will follow ok. Though I have baked a
chocolate cake for B as he had birthday while I was abroad. We have this tradition
the aniversary decides dinner and B has requested Pizza. Well, tomorrow will
NOT be a good day I assume. It's Saturday - and it's ok for me.
+-0 this week. No more, no less and I guess I shall be pleased with it. I
have been on a trip to Sweden and it always follows a little bit too much
of the good things.
This is great - 0,5 loss this week, though waffels and hot chocolates On
Friday I am heading for Sweden. It will be a short visit and I will bring
my youngest with me. We are both caughing so I hope we will be better until
Worst things about
wintertime are all the bad colds and diseases the children are bringing. Today
little one woke up with red dots all over her body, some kind of virus doctor
said. I told B we have to split day as otherwise my work will think I have
left planet or so. In the afternoon I could work for some hours while not
finish because little one needed to go to the doctor, again. Red dots were
getting worse and I got afraid it was meningitis - brain inflammation. Luckily
it wasn't though still very strong virus. I guess I will stay at home tomorrow
too. Due to circumstances it is good I have a VPN connection and can work
from home.
Weekends went
peaceful and we went horse back riding both days. Weather conditions were
perfect with lots of snow freezing degrees and clear sky. It was build for
waffles and hot chocolate in the stable. Yeah, I know - not particularly healthy
while I have told you before. This is a diet plan I will not follow in any
strict order. You can't stop living and one day of having this little of extra
doesn't spoil the whole week. Wednesday will tell truth...
I have been inside with my oldest girl for 2 days now. A very strange fever
virus I guess as suddenly she got 39,5. Today she has been ok while I decided
to be at home this day too. It's lots of things going on at work and luckely
I had my work-computer at home and there were no problem connecting and work
at all. Yesterday AB asked for candy and I as she was sick I searched for
some and guess what I found! Ahlgrens Bilar - you bet I had to have some too.
We had a minced lamb meat with dinkel pasta for dinner and it was quite ok though a little bit too fat I guess. Weekend is up comming and I will be a lot in the stable. Yesterday evening I went horse riding and though it was snow storming it was great to get some fresh air. This will be my exercise for next few months.
Tonight it will be yellow piesoupe and dinkel-pancakes.
Have a nice weekend!
Y E S!! Obviously it wasn't that hard to get rid of some of the extra kg I have put on during the Holidays. -2 kg this week and I am really satisfied. It's early in the morning and I am on my way to work, so it will be a short blog.
Horses are brought to town and yesterday evening I went horse-back riding
for the first time in a very long time. I think it was July I last time sat
on a horse. Our horses weren't shoed yet while our neighbour lent me one of
them's. I first class horse, he said, and as I know he's reading here I just
say: nice mare and
she was, definately soft to sit on. The Icelandic horse has other gates than
other's and tölt is usually very soft!
This evening I made a salmon soup. Very simple and very tasty! Carrots, potatoes, onions, stewed tomatoes, water and as spices I used; pepper, ginger, saffran, white and black pepper and some salt. I cooked it for an hour and mixed it all together. I diced the fresh salmon and let it boil for a while. I put the double cream beside so B and the girls could have some of it while I had the soup as it was. Yummy!
Tomorrow I will try my weight and I really hope I have made some success last week!
I must say I have been doing rather well since my discovery of too much weight. I guess its because of too much eating and I am not really longing for unhealthy things any more. I have forgotten to tell you - as I reloaded on a Wednesday I will from now on try my weight every Wednesday. Sounds like a good plan.
Tomorrow we are bringing in our horses and it will be a full stable with 8 horses. I am really looking forward to go horse-back riding again as it is 6 months since last time. We are always giving our horses this long vacation - it's an Icelandic tradition to have it this way.
Wish you all a nice weekend.
03.01.2007 R E L O A D
Obviously I have had great Holidays. Too good I admit, especially when I this morning tried my weight - djisus, how is it possible to put on 3 kg in about 2,5 weeks?
Well, well - holidays are gone I and I have to face fact and get rid of some hard work here! Actually I have already started and I am proud to pronounce my days meals: 1 slice of bread with cheese - no butter - light meal for lunch and dinkelpasta with lots of vegetables for dinner. I have also been very active all day so I think I am back on track again.
My parents stayed for holidays and they left this morning. It has been great having them here while it is always nice to be back in normal routines. I will start working 80-100% now while my little one stays at a private day-nanny. Both girls will be in day care from 08-14 and I am satisfied with its solution. If necessary I can work some evenings or so my boss was also satisfied with it.
Weight start
28.08.2006: 80 kg
Waist: 106 cm
BMI: 27,3 (healthy: 20-25)
Weight 31.01.2007:
Weight now: 70 kg
This week: -0,5
Total Loss: -10 kg
Goal: -15 kg (5 kg left)
Waist: 89 cm (18.12.2006)
BMI: 24,2
See my body change:
My change in numberWould you like to link my page?
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start page!
Other pages I
Weight pages:
Nice sites:
This week
This month:
After 2 pregnancies my body was not longer the one it used to be. And what else to do more than realize it will be hard work to reach it back again. I decided to start a new life by a diet plan and to blog about it. I guess it is easier to reach goals if talking about it.
In my start I joined a weight club through Internet while during my travel I have found a way that's working pretty well, without spending too much money. Actually it's not any difficult neither complicated way of living and eating. I am cooking a lot from the principels of GI - low suger and fat with lots of vegetables. I have also decided NOT to stop living and if one day is filled with this little extra plan is not ruined.
I am a Swedish living in Reykjavik Iceland. Please feel free to write a comment in my Guestbook