Shit! While not really any surprise as it has been at least one too many
birthday cakes. And I have felt hunger all week so I guess I have no one else
than me to blame :/ Now I need to find focus again!
Yesterday I went shopping. And I mean SHOPPING. Have it ever occur to you how it feels when you get the news of a sale out of the year in one of your favourite shop? And it advertises 65-85% discounts. Can you imagine all the adrenalin and excitement it gives? I went for THAT kind of shopping. A pair of jeans - new fashion model - 500 isk (50 sek, 9 euro) t-shirts, gloves 300 isk and I bought something very practical and useful to wear when its raining cats and dogs and you are out riding. A raincoat dress - you know when legs and jacket are one together. NICE!
We have a Swedish Association
here in Iceland I have been pretty much involved during last years. I think
it is quite nice meeting up with folks and celebrating our traditions. Tuesday
I was chosen as its chairman of the board for 2 years. What it exactly mean
I haven't got it all clear while I know the other one was invited to lots
cocktail parties with the Ambassador and sometimes even the Icelandic president.
For 2 years ago the Swedish Royalties were visiting Iceland and she was invited
to the evening pram. I guess I can do that.
Yesterday was
Öskudagur - the day when all the kids is dressing up in different costumes
showing up singing and asking for candy? Our company had bought a huge box
of Macintosh and I did not eat one of it! *Feeling very proud of me* While
I guess this weekend will be a little bit of this too much. I have promised
my oldest to bake a birthday cake to her younger sister, as she was ill on
her birthday.
Long time no see while last days has been filled with work, work, work
and once again sick child. This time litle one was suffering of throwing up
dicease and last weekend I had the pleasure - not - of cleaning up
throw ups...
Well, talking about the REAL pleasure I had this morning when getting results of this week. -1.1 and I am greatfully happy with it. I have found focus and is following the methodology of GI even further. It suites me very well.
- a plattform again
Well, well, well, one more time and I have no answer? I have been doing
fine all week while I wonder why nothing happened with my weight? It might
be my Saturday cheese? Is it really possible that one day small temptation
can ruin a whole week? No, I don't think so. We'll see next week. Good news
I have lost 4 cm from my waist:)
- a new taste
I have found - or rather refund - a new thing that really increases taste's
in meals. In Icelandic we call it "mysa" and in Swedish " messmör".
Yes, I am talking about goat butter. Yesterday I made a pork pot with goat
butter and tonight I made a tomatoes/carrot sauce with some of this goat butter.
Tonight I served with salmon. I am not sure about fat while I guess it's better
than double cream.
Today it has been MONDAY - and I wonder why? I went to bed really early and I felt pretty well slept when I woke up at 06.30 this morning. I hope it's not a sign for an upcoming flue...
Weekends has
gone too fast while I guess it's because I was working Saturday's. I am really
enjoying working on Saturdays, as it's so quite and peaceful at work. Not
that I do not like when all is up and running and lots of people. I guess
its because of no interruption and you can really focus and concentrate of
what you are doing. We have an upcoming exhibition I am responsible for and
I was planning and organizing it.
I did it! I can
tell you it felt wonderful to start with 6..! Even though I was sceptic as
yesterday I felt hunger almost all day. I only had a soup for lunch and it
is not enough for my body. I am used to real food otherwise day will be ruined.
The sausage wok tasted wonderful however crème fraiche, 17% wasn't
fat enough for boiling sauce went apart. I know in Sweden development for
boil able creme fraiche has gone much further and I do not remember how low
fat boil able you can by nowadays?
For lunch I will
have sausage wok and tonight fish balls. The Icelandic fish balls are really
great and not the "can balls" I was used to in Sweden. You buy them
fresh and are pre-fried and have a brown lovely colour. I will serve with
potatoes and a curry-sauce.
Little one is
sick - again. She has been having fever since Saturday and she's not getting
any better. I have booked a doctor today so I hope we will get some penicillin,
as it is probably ear troubles.
I was competing with my mare last Saturday. It went well. Actually, I did not have any hope for doing well as I have been having lots of trouble with her. Lately I have been working with rubber band to see if I can get her head and form better. And I have also been training to stop. There is a little bit too much engine in her and sometimes I basically cannot stop her. It was awful weather conditions with storm and snow. As B was also going to compete I have to bring his horse in a rein next to me while he drove the girls to the competing area. His mare went totally nuts of storm, which made my mare freaked out. Both of them ran with me without any control at all. A friend of mine managed to stop them. The mare was totally stressed and I went to the competing course and asked one of the girls about status. She is probably the most snobs I ever know and she was laughing saying we were only 7 to compete and she was calculating to win a price today. Well, I am not I am just lucky we will make it through. And guess what! I got a prize and she did not... such is life.
I am now continuing my training with her and my goal is to compete in the ladies competition in end of March. I have one more competition in beginning of March I will have as training competition.
Tonight I will
have sausage
wok for dinner. I will tell you how it was...
- A Sweet day
Almost all I know that is exercising, following a diet or is giving health
a closer thoughts are having one day in the week when it is allowed to eat
sweets - also called "sweet day" or "yummy day". Many
of those I know is longing for candy, chips, pizza, hamburger or anything
in this area.
I am not that kind of person.
While even I have a weakness. And I allow myself every Saturday to have it. It's cheese. You know this creamy blue and white cheese you have on Ritz crackers. And it tastes even better with red wine. God I was enjoying it last night! For dinner I made Mexican Chicken pot and I will definitely recommend it! I made plenty of it so it will be menu for Monday too.
I will also recommend
the "semlor" I made yesterday. It was probably the best baked I
have made ever. Do not forget to let the machine work for 5 minutes when putting
it all together.
TGI - thank god it's Friday. We had þorramatur - "thorra food"
for lunch at my work today. It is a special tradition we have here in Iceland
during middle of January to middle of Feb. Just like the Swedes have "crawfish-tradition"
and "sour herring" in August. Thorra foods are lamb head (and you
do eat eye, ear and tongue), soured lamb aladobe, soured lamb testicles and
whale fat (yes, also that soured) and soured shark. I eat all of it except
whale and shark and no, I do not eat the eye and ear.
I have been tired almost all day today and I was supposed to clean apartment when coming home from work. I will do it tomorrow instead. We will go shopping at 5 so I cannot do it properly anyway. For next weeks menu I have been looking a lot into Tasteline and I found some nice recipes. I will tell about it after cooking.
Tomorrow I am also going to bake for our "bolludagur". We have same tradition as the Swedes "semlor" while we are not using any marzipan. We are instead using strawberry or any other jam. As I am nut-allergic it suites me fine!
This is a recipe I found in one website I visited the other day while it is taken from expressen.se from the beginning:
To 16 sty you need:
· 50 g gear
· 3 dl milk
· 7 dl white dinkel wheat
· 1 dl brown dinkel wheat
· 2 tsk sugar or hunny
· 1 tsk stötta cardemoms
· 75 g butter
· 1 ägg
Before baking:
· 1 egg whipped
Put all ingredients together and remember to work with it for 5 minutes. Let it rest for about 30 minutes and then make small balls. Bake in 250 degrees for about 10 minutes.
I wish you all
a very nice weekend!
Weight start
28.08.2006: 80 kg
Waist: 106 cm
BMI: 27,3 (healthy: 20-25)
Weight 28.02.2007:
Weight now: 69 kg
This week: +0,6
Total Loss: -11 kg
Goal: -15 kg (4 kg left)
Waist: 86 cm (15.02.2007)
BMI: 23,5
See my body change:
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start page!
Other pages I
Weight pages:
Nice sites:
This week
This month:
After 2 pregnancies my body was not longer the one it used to be. And what else to do more than realize it will be hard work to reach it back again. I decided to start a new life by a diet plan and to blog about it. I guess it is easier to reach goals if talking about it.
In my start I joined a weight club through Internet while during my travel I have found a way that's working pretty well, without spending too much money. Actually it's not any difficult neither complicated way of living and eating. I am cooking a lot from the principels of GI - low suger and fat with lots of vegetables. I have also decided NOT to stop living and if one day is filled with this little extra plan is not ruined.
I am a Swedish living in Reykjavik Iceland. Please feel free to write a comment in my Guestbook