Tuesday 12. December 2006
A new Hair
Today we all went for a hair cut. Dad said we had to be good looking for Christmas.
Both mom and dad had it colour while I had it 1,5 cm shorter and as I behaved
perfectly I got a lollypop as award. Nice!
Its only 1-week left until grand parents from Sweden arrives. I am really looking forward to see them again. And then you know it will not be many days left for Santa to arrive too. Wow, you see, I have been a good girl all year I guess it will bring me lots of nice things, don't you think so?
Our Icelandic Yule lads have started to arrive and I have already got two things. I tried to tell mom the Yule lad shouldn't arrive in my window until this morning while mom said I had a special angel coming extra to mine. That's why I got an extra yesterday morning. Anyway, it makes it much easier for me going to bed and extra fun to wake up. You see I have started to behave perfectly as mom neither dad needs to stay next to me while I am falling asleep. I just tell mom or dad it's time for me to sleep and I am heading for my room and is actually staying there until sleep arrives. Isn't that great?
My "big fan of food" - sister always goes to sleep without complaining as mom always gives her one bottle of milk. I cannot understand where she puts all the food and milk as basically she is eating double size of mine! For lunch she had fish balls and potatoes and green beans. She ate 2 potatoes and 1/2 fish ball and 1 spoon of green beans! Hey, come on I never eat more than 1 potato.
Today a Priest came to my play school. He told us about Jesus and that he was born on Christmas. Actually that's the reason for we celebrating Christmas, he told us. I asked mom if Christmas is a word for birthday. She smiled and said, yes - that's a good explanation. Christmas is the birthday of the holy Son of God. Is Santa Clause Son of God too? She told me I would understand when I am older. I wasn't really sure what she meant by that - I understand perfectly well thank you very much. Anna Björk can do it herself!
Tomorrow I am going on my first party alone without mom and dad. In play school we will have a Christmas ball and I am going to have my red dress, white shirt and my black shoes. I know I will be the most beautiful in my class.
This evening Titti and I were playing in our room and I must say Titti can stand quite well now. She even moves and can "walk" if she has something to grab on.
12.12 Blog
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