Monday 04 December 2006
Hipp hipp HURRAA!!! Today we celebrate uncle Kalle on his 31st birthday!! We hope he will have a very nice day.
Something will show up in the mail-box later this week...
Finally December is here and our weekend has been great. Dad has been with us all weekend and Saturdays we went to see our horses. Many of them were still very fat though we have to separate the herd next weekend as the foals and mares needs more feeding. They were all fine though and I gave them lots of bread. They loved it!
Yesterday was 1st of Advent and as usual we had BIG breakfast, lightning first candle and went to church. Mom was reading from the bible and after wards we went to the Ambassadors. Very nice!
0412 Gallery, blog
29.11 Gallery, Blog added "link to my favorites"
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