Sunday 24. Januar 2010
- A great day. As you might remember my kindergarten won the ginger house competition and the winner got tickets to the movie and money. Tuesdays we went to the cinema and after that we had hamburgers for lunch!When mom picked us up we went to buy fishes as we have got an aquarium! It is so fun!
Sunday 24. Januar 2010
- A new fish trunk Friday was a black day. Our black fish Ingvar died and mom throw it away by flushing the toilet... she explained that fishes doesn’t live as long as we do and that we should go to the store and buy a new Ingvar. Dad said we should get a real fish trunk instead of the little bowl we had. Mom goggled and found on a sale-site an almost new one for less than half price!! Today we brought it at home and tomorrow we are going to the store buying some more fishes!Yesterday mom invited dad for a dinner out. It was one kind of surprise as he didn’t know what to do neither were to go. He had to be dressed up by 18 mom told him. We girls don’t se dad very often wearing a tie and a jacket. Karin watched him carefully and when he was dressed she said: Is it Christmas now? Shall we make the Christmas tree now? Well, this explains dad is only wearing a tie at Christmas time ;)
We went riding! Dad had put shoes on my horse so both Karin and I could have a small ride in the yard. How fun it was!!
Wednesday 20. Januar 2010
- Dad´s birthday We celebrated dad on his 40s birthday. Last night some of dad’s closest friends and family was getting together for some feast and celebrations. And we must tell you about mom’s brilliant idea. As you might know mom and dad still aren’t married. She has asked dad several times about when getting married and dad has always put that on hold by telling mom he would like to see the „home gift“first. Show me the goat and we will get married...And yesterday he got his goat! Now we are just waiting for the bells to ring...

Sunday 10. Januar 2010
- About time It’s about time mom finally doing something for us girls here on Bangsiland. As you might know we have been fully occupied doing nothing :) Grannies arrived to Iceland just a couple of days before Christmas and stayed until last Friday. There are plenty of things to tell and we had lots of joy and quality time. I know mom will very soon share some pictures that we took during the Holidays.Though it is nice with vacation it is always nice to be back to normal. I was very happy to see my friends at kindergarten and I know Karin was too. Saturdays our dance lessons started and both I and Karin were thrilled about it. Today we have been sitting in the car most of the day as the „horse seasons“has started and we brought four of our seven horses back to town. My horse Rodi and Karin’s‘Prince were both in the trailer and we were so happy to see both of them. Still we have three horses left and dad told us we will bring the back next weekend. He has made a trailer all by himself so we do not need to rent each time which is a great relief. I never forget last year when we girls had to sit in the car from nine in the morning until 23 in the night... though it was ok it still was very tiring being so many hours in a car.
Fridays we went to visit our friends Johanna and Julius for „ending the Christmas“and we throw out the Christmas tree and eating the ginger house...
Well, this was just a small notice from us more will come in a few days. Stay tuned.