Monday 30. August 2010
- Lot's of berries
Weekend we spend at grandpa's place. Always nice to visit him. Saturday brought us a beautiful weather and we were out picking lot's of berries. We drove the four wheel and I am wondering who liked it most, we or dad?
We also went to see our horses and we fed them with bread. It was nice to see them again! See more picture here
Friday 27. August 2010
- Two new blogs From now on we will have three blogs. We will keep this in english for all our reader while mom has started one in swedish and one in icelandic On those blogs mom will write about my time in first grade and what Karin is doing in her kindergarten.In a while we are heading for grandpa Markus where we will pick lots of blueberrys.
Have a nice weekend!
Tuesday 24. August 2010
- I am ready for it! I am now a big girl. Starting school and everything :)
See more picture here
Sunday 22. August 2010
- Marathon and a big day coming up Yesterday was culture day and Reykjavik Marathon. Karin and I participated. Yup, while in the race for children called Lazytown run. We got red t-shirts and a gold medal. Imagine we were happy about it!

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I will start first year of school. We have preparing it for many days now and I have got a school rugsack, pens and paper and all the things we need to buy for school. I am really looking forward and one of the best things is that my very best friend will be in my class. I am so happy about it.
Today we went to the cinema and we saw Shrek. Good movie!
Tuesday 3. August 2010
- Mom and dad are married! Our very long resident in Sweden has gone to an end and we are back in Iceland. It has been so great and we have of course lots to tell. As you might remember we had four weeks without mom and dad and we stayed at grannies place. First out was my birthday that was celebrated with lots of presents, pizzas and chocolate cake. We took part of the Swedish midsummer dressed up in nice summer dresses and flowers in our hair. Most of the time we were riding our new bikes and we were having plenty of soft time on the beach. During our stay I have lost one more tooth!Finally mom and dad arrived and we went up to the summerhouse in north of Sweden. And we loved it! Imagine nice weather, adorable nature and fishing areas and this time we also got a salmon!!
And guess what! Mom and dad were getting married! I told mom in Swedish „mamma nu är du fru“which means: mom, you are now a wife! We girls were of course attending the wedding and we were bridesmaid. Everybody found us so sweet!
There will be plenty of pictures here soon so stay tuned!