Tuesday 27. April 2010
- Dance and friends
Last Thursday we celebrated first day of Summer by being off from school and work. Nice :) We had our finals at the dancing school and we got medals and all... in the afternoon my very best friends came to visit me at the stable. You bet it was fun times. Mom made us waffels and served it with cream and jam...
I have now lost two of my teeth and actually it is a bit difficult to eat. Especially as I have one more loose at the upper mouth...
Tuesday 20. April 2010
- Sweden here we go Finally mom has come to a decision and booked our flights to Sweden. It will be an amazing summer as we girls are going to stay all by ourselves with grannies for four weeks! Yes, it is true. Mom is flying out with us on the June 10th and then leaving us behind and mom and dad will arrive July 8th. We are so excited and thrilled for it! While I guess we will miss mom and dad…Today is swim school and both Karin and I like it a lot.
As you might have heard I have lost my first tooth and two more is on its way. I have one down that is almost falling off and one in my upper mouth that is very loose too. It looks like I have being boxing or something.
Thursday 15. April 2010
- Mother earth is angry
Talking about mother earth being angry. This picture was shot by Ólafur at Þorvaldseyri last night. It is amazing to see while still very scary. Mom´s phone has gone red from very early this morning wondering if we are ok. And yes as a matter of fact we are. Acutally we are about one hours drive from this huge monster and we can't take any notice at all as we see nothing from here. It's because that someone down or up is polite to the Icelanders and sending the ashes away. Away, away... which most of the European inhabitants has reflected today as almost all air traffic is down for the moment. On the other hand it can change and it will not be a pleasant surprise...
We were discussing it during supper and last time, read 100 years ago, there was a tremendeous disaster as a matter of life and dead as basically all Europe was affected and starving because of the ashes. As you might know ashes is posioned with flour and svavel which makes it difficult for qrowth and animals. It brings "winter" as the sun has difficulites to shine through the thick ash clowds. It might be a disaster we are waiting even this time as this vulcano use to blow for at least a year or so...
Monday 12. April 2010
- Iceskating
Yesterday we went iceskating. I think this is probably the most funny I ever know! And best of all was that dad was with us! Actually it was the first time since he was ten years old... and he managed pretty well.
Today I recieved a letter from my school and I will take part in school for two days during may. I am so looking forward to start school and I am praciticing most every day now. I know all the letters, can write my name perfectly well and if mom writes I can easily copy it. I am trying to follow mom while she is reading and to fokus about the letters and how it is combined.
Tomorrow it is time for swim school again and it is so fun!
Wednesday 6. April 2010
- I have lost my first tooth
Today I lost my first tooth! So this evening I put it into a glass of water and hopefully the tooth alves will come and give me a coin :)
Monday 5. April 2010
- Easter
Easter has been full of fun activities! We have been lucky with the weather and sun has been shining most of the time. Wich of course means plenty of time outside. Several days we have been with our friends Johanna and Julius. Mom has put more pictures into the photo album
Yesterday mom went horse back riding and we girls were with dad in the car. It is so fun watching the horses! I fell off the horse for a couple of weeks ago while I have managed to over come my fear. Mom has been training me and we went back riding the other day.
Of course we got easter chocolate egg and didnt take us long until we had finished it...
Last weekend we tried something new! Mom took us to the skating hall and we just loved it! It was amazing to see how fast we learnt and both Karin and I was skating like we never had done nothing else! You can see picture of us skating in our album.