Tuesday 20. October 2009
- Anna is sickThe night was Anna Björk's turn to throw up. Poor little thing. On the other hand, now we are through so now we ought to keep us healthy for a while.
The weekend was really fun and we had a really good time with Kristin and grandfather. First out was dancing and then we went by car to grandfather. We saw all of his lamb, foal and dog. Imagine how silly, grandfather sat one of the lambs in the trunk! It had run astray and we helped it to return to their other lambs. And instead of getting it going in the right direction grandfather grabed it, put it simply in the car! Karin and I laughed at it and thought it was funny! On Sunday, we went to our cousins in Grundafjördur. It was also fun.
While best of all was to see Mom and Dad again. They had been away with mom´s work all weekend and that was why we had been with Kristin.
Now swimming is over and we already miss it. On the other hand we have Lucia practicies to look forward to.
Friday 16. October 2009
- Karin is sickYesterday was the last time in the swimming school and parents were watching. Mom was looking at how good we have become, and both I and Karin can dive from the edge and we can take at least five strokes.
Afterwards the teacher gave us ice cream and who praised us and thought we were really good. Karin was so tired after she fell asleep before supper. It may also be that she did not feel really good because she awoke in the night and throw up.
Mom is home with her today and we hope it soon passes. Right now she is sleeping.
Tomorrow Kristin take care of us for Mom and Dad are going away on a mini breake. Kristin has promised to accompany us to the dance and then we will probably go to grandfather. It will be very fun.
Monday 12. October 2009
- LuciaToday started choir practices for Lucia celebration.(note Lucia is on the 13 of December) This is something we are looking forward to so much and both I and Karin have not talked about anything else the last days. Now it's the rule to be four years to be allowed to participate and because Karin did not make four before in February next year, mom said that she may try though. She must be a good girl and listen to what the teacher says she cannot run around in the room.
To help Karin a bit we went to the store and bought a brand new sticker book and full of new stickers. And every time we have been good, we get to choose a sticker to put in the book. Both of us like this idea very much and we also were so good all the time. Mom was actually really proud - and surprised that Karin was really so grown up girl and clever. She can pretty much if she just wants!
Tomorrow it's time for swimming again, and it will of course be enormous fun.
Thursday 8. October 2009
- DrawingIt is a really terrible weather here in Iceland. And it'll be even worse. Tomorrow we await the first autumn storm. It feels as if we would like to be inside and lie under a blanket and watch movies. We have just come from swimming lesson, and as usual it was really fun to swim. I have learned to dive head first into the edge and so we swim like a mermaid.
Tomorrow is Friday and that means of course that it is weekend again. This weekend, we have no major programs planned more than walking and dancing and the church. We saw the priest today and Karin walked up to him and said hello. He came with his son for a swimming lesson and is part of Karin's group.
I've gotten really good at drawing and drawing. Most of all I like to draw princess with long blond hair and long dresses.

Wednesday 7. October 2009
- >Winter in IcelandIt has become winter here in Iceland. The day before yesterday it snowed significantly and both I and Karin were standing and jumping up and down the window and shouted hurray! Moreover, as the snow has remained and will in fact remain. This means that we are particularly pleased at the kindergarten and we are out playing in the snow most of the time.
The darkness and the snow makes us think it certainly soon is Christmas. We ask mom several times a day how long it is left to Christmas. We have also begun to look at some Christmas movies. After we had our own TV and DVD, it is so nice to come home from kindergarten and curl up in bed and watch a movie. Mom tends to be with us and then she gets some quiet time and sits most of the time and knitting.
Tomorrow it's time for swimming again, and we have learned to take several strokes. It's so fun to go to swim school! Last Sunday we went to grandpa and took our horses. Dad took off his shoes on the horses and gave them the worm treatments. It's always fun to get out in the countryside.