Tuesday 25. Januar 2009
- I am feeling wellThis morning I was able to go to my kindergarten again. It is good as we are preparing the winter season holidays "Öskudagur" This is our "Halloween" and we dresses up in all kind of dresses walking along the streets and begging for candy. At my kindergarten we are decorating t-shirts, wearing funny hats and singing plenty of songs. It is the more or less the older children that walks along the streets. I will do that when I am getting older. Mom doesn´t have this tradition in her country - well yes they do while not until Thursday before Easter. In her country children dresses up like witches and knocking on the doors begging for candy... at least we have the candy in common :)
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Saturday 24. Januar 2009
- Fever
This morning I woke up with high fever and felt terrible. I was lying almost until noon when I finally felt a bit better. It is lucky I have my Strawberry short cake computer game and I have been playing and playing. I have definatley got the computer thing to work and I can write my name from the key board... mom: some kids just have learning as a natural thing :)
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 20. Januar 2009
- Happy birthday dad!

Last Saturday we celibrated dad on his 39th birthday. On this special occasion I wore this nice dress. Mom things this colour suits me best - though I finds pink best ;)
We have had some great days in the stable and the weather has been magnific! Snow, freezing degrees and blue clear sky. And when mom gets this weather she always make waffels and hot chocolate while we are at the stable. So nice and we love it so much!! I call it chocolate coffee...
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 12. Januar 2009
- No electricityToday we have a special theme day with no electricity and we all meet up with flashlights. You bet it was great excitements for us and our friends at kindergarten. Agenda is to go out in the dark with our flashlights and later on us all we listen to a story about the old days when there was no electricity.
This was announced Monday and we told dad had to arrange flashlights for us. Yesterday evening he came home with one for us each and we had to try it at once. Then I said we had to go to bed very very early so it will be morning very soon.
And yes, we were so thrilled all morning and we had such a lovely day!
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 12. Januar 2009
- Paper dollAnna Björk has plenty of toys. Her room is filled with high tech fashion Baby-Born things, dolls, cars, clothes and you name it. Still it is very seldom she plays with it yet. Of course she played a bit while it was brand new and then she kind of forgets the things she has and shows more or less no interest all. Her sister on the other hand is complete different and plays most of her time with her and Anna´s things and she can sit for hours feeding and dressing the dolls.
Anna likes movies. She can sit and watch movies for ever. And I mean forever. If she was allowed she would sit from the time she wakes up until she goes to sleep in the evening. And she adores her films and can watch the same movie over and over again. Ariel, the Disney princess and mermaid is her absolute favorite. It is like Anna turns herself into the movie and becomes Ariel in her dreams. Yesterday I picked her up one of her teacher at kindergarten had made a paper doll for her. It was Ariel. And the good part was that the teacher had drawn while Anna had color it by herself. All that evening Anna was playing with her Ariel and it was like she lost time and space. She swam with Ariel and she talked – well, whispered more likely and she was really Ariel that night.
This morning she woke up devastated. Her Ariel had fallen apart. Basically. She had gone to bed with her paper doll and during the night it was tear apart. I said we will find the other pieces after breakfast. Anna was still devastated and didn´t give up until she had found all pieces and I had glued it back to normal.
Do I have to tell she brought her Ariel to her kindergarten today?
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Sunday 11. Januar 2009
- In why-age"Mom, why do we have a nose?
Because we breathe and we can smell with it
mom, why do we have ears?
So we can hear well and that you can listen to me
mom, why do we have a mouth
so we can eat our food and talk
mom, why do we have feet
so we can walk and run
yeah, but why?
Anna Björk had deep thoughts on our way from the stables...

Today we went horse riding (and yes we did have helmut on) and we had waffels with our friends Ingvar and Ingibjörk. So nice!
Comment? 11.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 6. Januar 2009
- Happy New YearToday we went back to kindergarten after having a long nice Holliday with mom and dad. We had a great end of last year filled with fireworks and mom made us a turkey. After being cheering in New Year 2009 we all went into the hot tube... mom and dad drank champagne and I and Karin had orange juice. This is a tradition we like most of all.
Saturdays we brought horses to town and mom says she has probably the most patient girls in the world. Can you imagine we sat in the car from 09 o clock in the morning to 23 in the night... and we didn´t complain once! Mom gave us ice cream for trying to cheer us up a bit. While you see, very interesting and not boring to watch mom and dad playing cowboys bringing the heard to small fence.
Though we went to kindergarten and mom and dad went to work it still is Holliday here. Today as you know is 13 days since Christmas and it is today we are greeting the Yule lads as they are heading back to the mountains. We light a fire and are shooting fireworks all evening. We have been watching it from our window.