Sunday 15. Februar 2009
- Happy Birthday Karin Inga 3 years!
My sweet little sister is 3 Years old! She woke up at 05:45 and thought it was time for her to wake up... while mom managed to get her to sleep a little bit longer. :)

Karin Inga 3 years old!

Karin Inga 2 years old

Karin Inga 1 years old

Karin Inga new born
Today she is 98 cm tall and 16 kg!
She got plenty of nice things one to be mention is the aquarium she got from mom and dad! It has the theme Dora the Explorer and we all went to the zoo store and Karin had to pick out the fish she wanted. She choosed a yellow gold fish and named it "Gulli"

Soon it will be more pictures from Karin Inga´s day!
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Friday 13. Februar 2009
- Birthday party at kindergarten

Today Karin was celibrated at the kindergarten. So much fun! And look at the dress. You bet she enjoyed it a lot!
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Thursday 12. Februar 2009
- Birthday preparationsMom asked Karin about her birthday. Karin had a very clear opinion and told mom she wanted "Dora - the explorer" as her theme for her birthday up coming Sunday. My sweet little sister will be 3 years old! Tomorrow she will be celibrated at the kindergarten and she picked out the princess dress and they made a corona for her that she will wear tomorrow. Lot´s and lot´s of exitements :)
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 11. Februar 2009
- Great grandma is sitting on the moonThis morning mom draw a picture for Karin and I. First she draw me, than Karin, herself, her mom - which is of course grandma - and then her mom that is our great grandma. Then she told us that great grandma had gone to heaven and she was now waving to us. I went to the window and as it still was dark outside I could still see the moon I said: "look at the moon mommy, it is so big - I can´t see great grandma yet. Then I went back to my chair and draw my picture of great grandma. I assume she is having it nice in heaven.
Bless your heart great Grandma. You had a great long life and it was time for you to see great grandpa. She was going to be 91 in 27th of Februar and her time was set. It is always difficult to reach the news - so much end. For her, on the other hand, it must have been some kind of relief. Life can´t stay for ever and when turing her age nothing much is left in life than waiting, eating and sleeping. Her mind was not always with her though sometimes she was very clear in her thoughts. You will always stay in our memory. And that is a good thing to know.
Comment? 12.01.2009 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 04. Februar 2009
- Winter wonderlandDays here in Iceland has been wonderful with blue sky, very cold and lots of snow. My sister and I have been out playing with the snow. Last weekend mom taught us to go riding by ourself! Well, almost... yet mom held Rodi with a rein while we sat alone in the saddle during the ride. Both Karin and I tried to trout and sure we did it well :)
Sunday afternoon we went to the cinema with our best friends Johanna, Julius and Julia... and by the way Julia is the girl next door in the stable area and I love playing with her. She is almost two years older than me so do I have to tell you she is my star, the one and only I want to have all the things she has ;)
ps. mom has updated the gallery...