Tuesday 28. April 2009
- A new dress for KarinThere have been some problems with our computer while now it is up and running!

Last weekend we had a wonderful time with sunny weather and spring degrees. We were out playing around the stables most of the days and it is as lovely as we are allowed to play in the stable surroundings without too much parenting from mom and dad. I think it is quite safe for us running around and we both know how to be aware of cars and horses.

Mom just finished this Hello Kitty dress for Karin, it is knitted in the Icelandic wool and Karin is so happy about it.
Comment? 21.03.2009 kl. 8:00
Friday 17. April 2009
- Can you whistle?Well, THIS rocks!

I ran smiling to mom this morning. Mommy, look and hear! I can whistle! A tiny sound came out from my mouth and I was so proud of me. It might be as I have been practicing it all week.
Yesterday mom picked us up a bit earlier than normal and she started right away to make pancakes. She put together all the evening supper into a bag and we went up to the stable. I have really understood the thing by having our supper in the stable as it gives us kids so much freedom to be outside playing with the horses instead of being trapped into the flat. Mom went for a long ride and we girls were riding next to the stables with dad watching us. The sun was shining and plenty of birds singing. It is spring time in Iceland!
Comment? 21.03.2009 kl. 8:00
Thursday 16. April 2009
- So proud of me

I am so proud of myself. Last night I ride my horse all by myself without having mom holding neither being close to the horse. She was walking about five meters behind! Dad didn´t believe his eyes when he saw me riding and didn´t see mom! I have developed my riding a lot during the Easter holidays. Dad taught me how to get the horse „started“ as before he didn´t want to move a step as long we kids were on his back. I have definitely found out the „thing“how to get him walking and turning and how to stop to. Well the last part is the easiest thing as I have only to grab in the reins and he stops after one second. I think he still thinks it is a bit scary to have us small children on his back.
Easter has been greatest time ever! Sunny weather and we have been along with mom and dad in stable all weekend. Actually we have more or less been living in the stable and we too have our dinner there. It might be that dad bought a mini kitchen and it gives us the possibilities to cook in the small coffee room. It is so cozy and much more fun than eating at home. Last night’s supper was hot sandwiches, smoked salmon and cheese cake for desert. Tonight mom has promised to serve pie soup and pancakes!
Spring has definitely arrived though still a bit chilly while we have seen yellow spring flowers nears the roads. It is a very typical sign for spring in the Nordic countries.

Comment? 21.03.2009 kl. 8:00
Monday 6. April 2009
- Easter fever

Just a few days left for our Easter holiday to begin we have started to decorate at home. Saturdays we went to the forest to pick some tree bunch that we decorated with eggs and chickens. So fun!
Last night mom brought to the nearest cinema and "Monsters and Aliens" with 3D. We wore glasses and it was just so amazing!!
Comment? 21.03.2009 kl. 8:00
Thursday 2. April 2009
- Easter feverAnna Björk was having her breakfast. Next to her was the latest commercial paper from the nearest shopping mart. She was whispering and pin pointed at the pictures and it was no doubt about she was dreaming of something. Mom I would like to have this Easter egg and I really think you should give Karin that one, she suddenly said louder while she pin pointed the egg made of chocolate.
How big egg do you want? This big! Anna Björk told her mom with her hands. That big mom replied. And no wonder the girls are longing for this egg all made of chocolate and stuffed with candy.

It is Easter fever and both Anna Björk and her sister have all the excitements and waiting for the Easter bunny. This weekend we will head for the forest to pick some tree branches for our Easter decorations. The girls have already been creating Easter cards and we will send it to its recipients soon.