Wednesday 29. Oktober 2008
- Karin is sick
Anna Björk 4 years 4 months

Madicken wool is ready
First fall flue out to go. This time it is Karin who woke up this morning with high fever and coughing like never before. Mom has been at home except for some hours while she had to go for a meeting.
Comment? 27.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 27. Oktober 2008
- Karin is the heroWhen it was like worst mom thought Karin would never learn the "toilet" thing. She has amazingly managed very well and too she is also telling mom I need to go to the toilet. Mom compliments her by giving her stickers and she has almost filled one book now.
Yesterday we went swimming. And both Karin and I were having greatest time, as usual.
And mom has started to knit the wool - she basically draw it from the picture below :)
Comment? 27.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Tursday 23. Oktober 2008
- Mom needs some help
Mom want to knit this for us girls. Madicken, the story by Astrid Lindgren, wore this during scen about christmas. Mom has been googling to find the pattern without any success so if you have any idea were to find it, please let us know. :)
Today Karin managed to go to the toilet all the time - no washing for mom to do ;)
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 22. Oktober 2008
- StickersMom is helping Karin to quit with diapers. And it has been kind of a tricky thing as Karin has a way of – how can I say – not wanting to do the thing ON the toilet. However she knows exactly what it is and where to go. It still doesn’t help and she is doing her things on the most embarrassing places most of the time. Yesterday mom found out a very clever thing! Mom bought her a sticker book and each time she goes to toilet she gets a sticker. It was pretty clever, right?
When I saw Karin had got so nice book I wanted it too. Mom said I will get one too if I quit sucking my thumb AND leaving my pink bunny at home. It´s a deal!
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 21. Oktober 2008
- Favourite foodI want more, I said after my second dish of rice pudding. Mom didn’t believe her eyes. I have never eaten such much at one time before. I also had lots of cinnamon, sugar and raisins and as Icelandic tradition we serve it with liver sausage. Karin ate almost as much as I did…
This morning mom had a parental speech with Karin’s teacher. She said many great things though she has a very strong will. No kidding?!? ;) This is of course a very positive spirit as she knows exactly what she wants and nobody can tell her to do things she doesn’t feel like.
Winter has arrived early this year and we have freezing degrees and it is snowing most of the days. All the mountains are white while the valley still is almost free from snow. Best thing though there is not that windy… today brings a blue sky and a chilly weather. Nice.
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 20. Oktober 2008
- A new bedroom for Karin
Karin got a new bed room, princess like she is, with Disney Princess. She loved it. Mom also made new curtains for us and our room got a total new look!

Best thing of all was that mom told us very early in the morning that our athletic class had started. We jumped up like nothing could stop us to search our pink dresses. We were dressed had our teeth brushed in less than no time at all :) It was nice to see how Karin had grown and could join the class without any troubles. She ran like I don’t know what and it was very important for her to show mom how good she was in most of the things. She climbed, jumped and rolled over in precisely order. Mom was very proud of her. And me too of course. See our gallery for pictures.

Karin 2 years and 8 months
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 15. Oktober 2008
- My first visit at my friends placeI have been invited to visit my best friends in my kindergarten. They are twins and we are always playing together all day long. Tomorrow I will go for a visit. I am looking forward a lot!
Nothing much has happened except that dad has been away working for several days now. We miss you dad!
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Saturday 4. Oktober 2008
- Happiness is completeMy happiness was complete. Today I met "Skoppa og Skritla" AND I was on stage! AND I took part in my favorite song!!!
Best Saturday ever!
Comment? 03.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Firday 3. Oktober 2008
- Winter wonderlandLast evening it started to snow. Both K and I were so excited we jumped up and down in front of the window watching snow falling. Mom, mom have a look it is snowing now it will be Christmas, we shouted both of us. Mom smiled and started the Christmas DVD we got last Christmas and we sang along with all the music played.
This morning we woke up very early and we ran to the window while we shouted: MOMMY THERE´S PLENTY OF SNOW!!! WE WILL MAKE SNOW MAN´S AND GO SKIING TODAY! You bet we have been having plenty of fun today at the kindergarten.
Tomorrow we will go with mom to a new open shopping centre just to have a look as our favorite play with “Skoppa and Skritla” will meet up and sing for us.
Have a nice weekend all of you.