wednesday 25. November 2008
- A new dressMom has bought me a new Christmas dress! It is dark violet with lots of pearls and it is pretty shiny. I will wear it for the first time on Sunday as we are going to the Church gracing first of Advent. Karin will have the one I had last year and she will too be very pretty.
She also bought a ginger house set and told us girls we will put it together on Friday...
I have a quite good memory. At least when it comes to imagine words, colors and shapes. Yesterday evening it was I who read bed time story for Karin, not mom. She was listening too to when I read each and every word from the book and pin pointed to the pictures just like mom use to do. Karin was satisfied and fall asleep after a while. I am a big girl now!
Comment? 18.11.2008 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 25. November 2008
- Upcoming seasonThis morning I told mom I wanted to make a ginger house. I know mom has planned plenty of fun stuff for us children while I haven’t heard any of this one. She promised we will make one. YES!!
Yesterday we went singing and I have become pretty good and manage to sing almost all songs. I also received my white shirt to wear at the concert December 13. We are about 10 small children, 15 young girls and about five grown up in the choir so I think it will be really nice, don’t you?
On Friday we will have a day off from kindergarten and we have planned plenty for that day. First out is a haircut and then we will decorate our place for Christmas. So nice! I am really looking forward when all starts and as you might know... here in Iceland we have not only one Santa there are 13 Yule lads. A shoe is put in our window from December 12 and if we been nice we will get something nice while if we have been naughty the Yule lad will give us a potato. Karin says she has been nice all the year while dad is not that sure about that ;)
Comment? 18.11.2008 kl. 18:00
Sunday 23. November 2008
- A great weekendAt noon Kristin called to ask if we were up to some swimming at the nearest bathing house. Of course! We yelled and counted the minutes until she came. Mom and dad got an afternoon by themselves and they went to see the new James Bond.
Yesterday we went to see Johanna and Julius and we were playing and laughing a lot! We have planned to see a Christmas carol at the nearest Cinema later in December. Nice!
Whatsoever we are really looking forward to Christmas and we are counting down when mom will bring up all the Christmas decoration. I know that Santa has already been here picking up some presents mom brought at home the other day. She put it on the bed and a while after it was gone! Imagine that! Mom said Santa had been here and the next day when she brought one more package he visited us one more time. Karin had big eyes and went to tell mom all about it. And we are training in being as nice as possible as mom tells us he will not show up to naughty children…
Comment? 18.11.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 18. November 2008
- QuestionsWe girls are like twins. Well, actually its kind a news as a matter of fact it is still 1,5 year between us. However as Karin is so big for her age and I am just a normal kid we more or less look like twins. And we share same interest. This of course means we are not always agreeing upon things especially when it comes to sharing things between us. I must say Karin, as she is younger should listen more to her older sister – me – and not vice versa. The thing is that she is stronger than me... and basically cannot take no for an answer... This year’s head ace for mom – and dad – how to do with Christmas gifts. Buy two things of all or different things. If do two it will end up we both crying... I heard mom and dad were discussing in the kitchen so...I guess mom needs to go back to the store and switch one of the package. At least what I figured out as it didn´t have same shape. Christmas spirit has definitely hit our minds and I am asking mom when she will bring our big decoration box and when we will put lights in the windows. At least mom has started to do some work here...
Comment? 18.11.2008 kl. 18:00
Friday 14. November 2008
- Christmas spiritsThis week has been filled with sickness. It all started last Saturday night when Karin started to throw up. On Monday it was my turn and Thursday mom started to feel sick. It is good we all are well now!
Though it is very early we have already recieved christmas sprits and we are planning and preparing plenty of nice things for December. As you might know mom and I are singing in a choir and christmas concert takes place on December, 13.
For all my Swedish friends I would, whlie actually mom wants to introduce this years Christmas Calendar a follow up story from last years adventure. Unfortunately it is written only in Swedish as mom says she finds it easier to write „books“ in Swedish than other languages. Have a look in my christmas page! If you do not read swedish however it might still be of interest as mom has promised plenty of nice stuff that is „whitout“ language conections. I wonder what that might be?
Today we are celibrating the Icelandic language at my kindergarten and there will be a writer reading a book for us. And in the afternoon we will get icelandic „lummur“ which is basically the same as American Pancakes. As usual mom will bring us to the store and we will do some shopping and tomorrow we will join our athletic class. It is nice as ususal. Mom has promising some baking to do and both Karin and I love it!
Yeah, one nice thing to tell. Karin has totally quit with diapers! Mom is so proud of her.
This was all for now... have a nice weekend all of you!
Comment? 14.11.2008 kl. 18:00
Friday 7. November 2008
- In English pleaseYesterday when AB came home she fronted me by putting her hand up „talk to the hand, my name is Anna Björk“ and in correct english... Dad smiled and said what you say it will be picked up by your children. This is something we sometimes uses while joking...

Today we all want to gongratulate grand ma on her 60th birthday. HIPP HIPP HURRAY
Comment? 27.10.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 3. November 2008
- At the cinemaYesterday we went to the cinema and saw The Tortoise and the Hare. Nice as usual.
It isn’t always easy to answer a child, when it comes to things that are very personal and intimate. As long as the girls have been able they have followed mom into the toilet. Watching the pope is very exciting for a little girl. The thing is... what I am trying to tell here, how you explain to a four year girl that a woman has to wear napkins during her monthly period. AB surprised me at the toilet when she suddenly asked me why it comes blood from my rump and why on earth I wore “plaster”? I could do nothing while telling the truth. She has already understood that babies come from mom´s stomach... I told her if mom has a baby in her stomach she doesn’t need to use band aid while if not I have to use it once each month. She nodded like it was a natural answer to her and went out like she had never asked.