Sunday 30 March 2008
- My bunny NenneThis bunny I have had next to me since I was just a couple of months old. In the beginning he had a sweet pink colour and also sang for me bed time songs. During the years he isn't pink any longer, more likely grey. Mom took away the song possibilities when Karin was born as I throw him at her all the time and she was afraid Karin could get hurt. Anyway, he is still my great love in life and I am holding him next to me most of the time. This morning we were feeding him. And then I called the doctor and we gave him medicine, checked his lungs and ears with the doctor equipment Karin got for her birthday. He is sick too. Just like Karin, me and dad. Yes, dad is very sick too with very high fevere. Doctor says it is the flue. Poor us.

Comment? 30.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Saturday 29 March 2008
- Sickness againYou don't believe it. We are sick again. This time with very high fever though today we are feeling much better. At the moment we are playing with our baby born dolls and feeding and taking care of it.
It's a bit sad we went sick now as we were suppose to participate in a great show that takes part this weekend. I was suppose to be a princess and ridning on my horse Rodi... it will be next year instead.
mom has put some new pictures in our gallery,pls have a look :)
and when we are not allowed to go outside we are learning on the computer :) This is a game I got from uncle Kalle.

Comment? 29.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Wednesday 26 March 2008
- Congratulation grandpa!Hipp Hipp Hurray for grandpa in Sweden who has birthday today!!
Comment? 26.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Tuesday 25 March 2008
- AB's deep thoughtsYesterday we were watching a movie dad took when I was 1.5 year old. Mom told me Karin was inside her stomach. And she had a great belly. I think I haven't seen any bigger! I found this very exciting and was thinking about it almost most of the time. A few hours later we were in the stable and mom and I had a chat while we were waiting for dad coming back from a horse ride. I told mom:
AB: mom, Karin was inside your belly.
mom: yes she was
AB: then she came out.
mom: yes, and do you know what. You too were once upon a time inside my belly.
AB got big eyes and was silent for a very long time then she said: No, I wasn't I just opened my mouth and there I was.
mom: Would you like to have one more little sister or brother?
AB: no I want to have a little ponnie and she pointed at the foal on the wall.
end of discussion.
Comment? 25.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Saturday 22 March 2008
- Quality time with mom and dadDays are counted when weather is perfect you know when it's clear blue sky, NO wind and when you can feel sun is warming you. We had such a day yesterday. We decided to go to our forest for lunch. Mom made her special egg sandwiches and we had hot dogs, hot chocolate and juice. I loved it!! See pictures in my gallery
Then we went to the stable and Karin and I were playing around really well. Our horse Rodi was watching us and sometimes I believe he is more like a dog than a horse.
And guess who came for a visit this morning? Easter bunny!! And he left eggs with candy!! Nice.
Comment? 16.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Wednesday 19 March 2008
- Easter HolidayWe are all well now. And that's great as today is last day before a long holiday! I am looking forward to spend many days together with mom and dad. At the moment mom is a bit angry and I hope we will do things better to make her happy again. I guess it all our fault though it isn't always easy to behave. It all started last night wen we, as so many times now, refused to eat our supper. Actually we were behaving quite badly. Mom told us to go to our room and as so many evenings now we want to have cornflakes and milk after a little while. This time mom refused and told we should eat our supper or stay hungry. Both Karin and I stayed hungry.
This moring it all continued. Mom went mad and K had to go back to her room. After 2 minutes mom called her back and this time we both ate our breakfast. It was much better to have it like this than all the arguing. Mom is cool.
Yesterday we went to the flower shop and bought lots of nice flowers for easter. I got my own - a pink one - and I put it in the window next to my bed. I will carefully take care of it.
Tomorrow we will go to church as one of our friend will make her confirmation to God.
Happy easter to all of you!
Comment? 16.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Sunday 16 March 2008
- SicknessI am still sick. This time I got it all I guess. It started with eye-trouble, than fever, then throwing up and finally I got ear troubles... Dad brought me to the doctor and I have got pencillin. This is my first morning without any fever. Finally I think I am getting well.
Yesterday dad went to a master course so mom had to be inside with us almost all day. I wasn't sad about it as it means mom is always trying to do some fun things with Karin and I. This time we made easter cards. I made one with a bunny and a easter flower. Karin made - with some help from mom - an easter chicken. It was really fun!
At the moment we are having great weather here in Iceland with clear blue sky and some snow. Dad went early this morning to the horses and mom will go later today. I am looking forward to easter holliday then I will be out riding most of the time.

See ya!
Comment? 16.03.2008 kl. 11:00
Tuesday 11 March 2008
- Easter bunnyI am sick once again. Is it never going to be an end of it this year. I don't remember I was so sick last year. I have got virus in my eye, high fever and this morning I was throwing up. :(
Mom tried to cher me up so we were talking about upcoming season and holiday; easter. We were watching a movie - Lotta på Bråkmakaregatan - about Swedish easter traditions and mom told me about easter-witches, easter bunnies and that they are hiding candy on Easter Saturday. You bet I am looking forward!!
We also went to the basement for bringing up all easter decoration and we decorated some of it today. Mom said it was a bit early while I told her I wanted to. On Saturday I will be a witch and we will continue with easter traditions!
See ya!
Comment? 11.03.2008 kl. 17:00
Tuesday 11 March 2008
- HaircutYesterday we went for a haircut. I liked it a lot while Karin wasn't really in for it. Though it went much better than before. Mom let her pick out all the dogs and cats and tried to get her focused on everything else than her hair. I think she managed. The hairdresser gave us candy when done :)
We had a wonderful time at Kristin's place and we went to the lagoon:) NICE!!!

Comment? 11.03.2008 kl. 17:00
Thursday 5. March 2008
- PinnochioAlmost everyday I am remember mom I would like to go and see "gosi" - pinnochio at the theater. I hope mom will hear my wishes and we will soon go there again.
At the moment I find things in my kindergarden nice and I like playing around with the other kids. And best of all is that Matti has started again. I haven't seen him for more than a year and I was so thrilled when I saw him again. He's the best!
The other day grandpa Markus came for a short visit. Karin was so pleased to see him and she sat in his knee most of the time. Since he took cared of her many times when she was a baby they have got a very nice connection. Just like I have with grannies in Sweden. Well, talking about it mom said they will join us during some time in Summer. Looking forward!
This weekend we will meet up in Borganes and I am looking forward to that! I hope we will go to the lagoon...

Comment? 28.02.2008 kl. 08:00
Saturday 1. March 2008
- Home aloneI am so proud of me. I have been sick again and yesterday when dad was at home with me and we had to pick up Karin from kindergarten I told dad I didn't want to go. I had high fever so it felt completely impossible. Dad hesitated then he said; you don't have to follow me though promise to watch me all the time from the window. We can see our kindergarden from our window and it's about 100 meter from our house.
So I did. Dad went to pick up Karin and I watch it all from our window. We told mom all about it when she came home from work and she was so proud of me too. Imagine I am a big girl now!