Saturday 3d1 May 2008
- Earthquake in Iceland.
We were still at the hair salon when we heard a terrible noise like a huge truck was driving next to the house. No wonder we thought as they were rebuilding the road and it had been some noise most of the time while we got our hair cut. This time it was not a truck as just seconds later it felt like the house was twisting and it got feet and wanted to walk away. Further seconds and ground started to shake and we all said. It is an earth quake! I think the scariest part was the house twisted. Here in Reykjavik damages was minor while in Selfoss 45 km from here damages was much bigger than ever. Approximately about 100 houses are destroyed in somehow and that is much in a village with about 2000 inhabitants. Many stores, like the liquor store is completely destroyed when all fall from the shelves.
The crack in road one shows us the enormous power from the quake and on the news it was send directly from center parts of earth quake where a huge rock fell from the top of this mountain and rolled all the way down over a road and further 100 meters. Lucky no one got hurt!
It was told 6.1 – 6.3 on richer and there were three quakes at the same time. Ever since it has followed lots and lots of earth quakes while „only“about 3 on Richter.
During the night helicopters and polices were circulating and we could hear them working all night. Escape forces were gathering people as it was abandoned to stay inside first night in Selfoss and Hveragerdi the nearest villages to the earth quake.
I think we here in Reykjavik couldn´t really imagine the power of this earth quake while pictures tell us the story...
Comment? 29.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Thursday 29 May 2008
- New haircut

Mom had a hair make over :)

I had a haircut too:)

likewise Karin :) ps. more picture in our gallery
Comment? 29.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Wednesday 28 May 2008
- Lot´s and lot´s of little lambsSaturdays we went to grand pa Markus. And we enjoyed every minute! First we saw little lambs and all his horses. In the evening we watched Eurovision song contest on TV. Yesterday we went to dads uncle and you bet it was interesting. They have thousands of lambs and it had given birth to over 900 little lambs. We went to see the new build lamb ladder and it was very noicy. They had cows too and we both thought they were a bit scary.
After a while the phone rang. It was the next door farmer and we had to hurry as the aunt had to help him releasing a lamb. The poor little lamb was too big and couldn´t come out by itself. You bet we had big eyes!
Comment? 08.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Wednesday 28 May 2008
- Lot´s and lot´s of little lambsSaturdays we went to grand pa Markus. And we enjoyed every minute! First we saw little lambs and all his horses. In the evening we watched Eurovision song contest on TV. Yesterday we went to dads uncle and you bet it was interesting. They have thousands of lambs and it had given birth to over 900 little lambs. We went to see the new build lamb ladder and it was very noicy. They had cows too and we both thought they were a bit scary.
After a while the phone rang. It was the next door farmer and we had to hurry as the aunt had to help him releasing a lamb. The poor little lamb was too big and couldn´t come out by itself. You bet we had big eyes!
Comment? 08.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Wednesday 21 May 2008
- Weekend fun and mom´s birthdayWeekend was really nice! First out we went to the forest where we met "forest Mulle". There were lots of children meeting up and we had a great time investigating all the things you can find in the forest. In the afternoon we went to see Skoppa and Skritla. Always nice!
Last Sunday mom had birthday so we girls tried to celebrate her best we could. We started with a three hours horse camp and in the afternoon we all went bowling. I think that was one of the most fun things I have ever tried. Soon I learnt how to do and after each strike I screamed: "mom give me high five" and we claped hands. Cool!
We also gave her birthday gifts and as she is biking every day we gave her a helmut. She loved it very much. Up coming weekend we will go to grand pa and he has promised us to watch all the little lambs that are born now. Lovely! ps. mom has put lots of new pictures in the gallery.
Comment? 08.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Thuesday 13 May 2008
- Back to normal
Long weekend gone and we are back to normal again. As always when it comes to these longer weekends our rutines are not like it used to be. We are staying up longer and we are sleeping longer (no doubt about mom and dad are happy about it) This weekend we all went horse camping which means mom and dad split riding and driving with each other. We girls were staying in the car following the herd. We really like this kind of spare time and we also had some great time togehter with Johanna and Julius, our nicest friends here in Iceland.

The other day we spoked to grannies in Sweden and it is not too far away they will visit us here in Iceland. Longing!

Mom is writing It is amazing to see how much a child remember from a story. The other day Anna Björk was reading for her little sister. There is no doubt about she cannot read as I believe a four year old girl could possibly have such kind of quality. However, we have been reading this story over and over I guess her imagination and mind are so developed she remember it all. Many children would though remember most of it and speak from his or her point of view. Anna Björk read the story word by word exactly from the book. I stayed behind trying not to interrupt and I was really thrilled and could actually not believe my ears. Kiddo was reading! Although it was from her mind, she read each and every word.
Actually I have seen her qualities in putting puzzles together she learnt from very young age. And she learnt the computer game without any trouble. And that she was without learning it in kindergarten. Her creativeness is far ahead children in her age. Karin, just like all the other things is completely opposite and is far beyond these qualities. She doesn´t see any logical things at all though her language is more developed than Anna Björk was at this age. On the other hand Anna Björk has adopted both Swedish and Icelandic from start and I have greater trouble getting Karin to talk Swedish. She understands it all while she always choose icelandic when speaking. A general speak of matter, they are black and white. I am so rich and lucky.
Comment? 08.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Thursday 8 May 2008
- White Sunday

As you know we hade opening house at our kindergarten and it was great to show mom and dad all the things we have been doing during winter seasons. They were really proud of our paintings and I guess mom will put some of it in frames.
Upcoming next is white sunday and I think we will do something connected to horses. At least I have heard dad talking about it. And it might be we will see Johanna and Julius our dearest friends. Mom said something about riding at their place and dining with them in the evening. Due to weather conditions it might be a bit slippery and wet as it has promised lots of raining. Whatsoever I have got new raincoats so from my point of view it doesn´t matter at all :)
Comment? 08.05.2008 kl. 20:00
Friday 2 May 2008
- Summer degrees in Iceland
Yup it has been really warm and sun has been shining from a blue sky. It is not common this time of the year.
Tomorrow we will have open house at our kindergarten so we will show mom and dad all the things we have been doing lately.
have a nice weekend all of you!