Wednesday 25. June 2008
- Birthday party

My party was great. I had all the girls and Gunnar. We had pizza and mom had made a pink cake. Mom and dad played several games for us and we had to fish efter jam. Thank you all for making my day all perfect!
and some figures: I am 105 cm tall and 16,5 kg! Big girl!
Comment? 24.06.2008 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 24. June 2008
- Happy Birthday to me!
Hipp Hipp hurray! Today I am 4 years old!

Mom and dad woke me up and I was thrilled to see the great presents! I got a pink horse with a doll and two dvd´s.

Later today I will have a birthday party. Yeah!!!
Comment? 24.06.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 23. June 2008
- Happy Birthday to me!
Tomorrow is my birthday! This morning I went to kindergarten with a great smile. Mom had made invitation cards to my friends and I will have a princess party. I am so thrilled.
Comment? 23.06.2008 kl. 18:00
Saturday 21. June 2008
- Midsummer in Iceland

We are back in town after one really great week in Signaskardi, west of Iceland, where we have been for a week. The summer house was fantastic, weather has been sunny and you bet we have been spending hours in the out side hot tube :) Look at the pictures
Yesterday was midsummer eve and we were celebrating outside with lots of kids. Fun, fun!!
and it is 2 days left for my birthday... and less than a week until grannies are coming. Nice!
Comment? 21.06.2008 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 10. June 2008
- Summer in Iceland
Sundays we went for a nice walk in our wood. I was riding my bike and Karin sat in the baby sitter. It was really warm and about 19 degrees. Nice. Actually it hasn´t been this warm since 48 years ago. And people are still talking about it might be an upcoming vulcano. I guess they are right as the earth quakes are still going on at the area were it was a great quake the other day.

Meanwhile we are planning our trip to Sweden and mom has showed us girls on the map where to go. When I was on the phone with grandpa I told were to go...

And yes, I forgot to tell you about the other weekend when we went to see Peter and The Wolf. It is really one of our favourites. It was a special occasion for one of the suburbans celebrating 100 years and there were lots of fun thing to do. We got colour paintings in our face :)
Next weekend we have rent a house in the country side and we will go there for 6 days. You bet we are looking forward!
Comment? 10.06.2008 kl. 18:00
Friday 6. June 2008
- The Swedish National day - in the news
Congratulation Sweden! Even though history tells us this hasn´t been much celibrated during the years. It is only three years ago it was a holiday and free form work. It tells a lot. Anyway, today´s honour and we were in the news. Yes, mom is probably one of the most famous here in Iceland now, always in the media ;)
It has been a great week. The other day I went to the zoo with my school pals. You bet we had lots and lots of fun! I was so tired I fall asleep at six o clock!
And guess what... this month I have my birthday. I am counting the days and I have told mom all about my plans. I know exactly which to invite and I have told mom in directly order what to serve and what to do on my birthday party. I will invite all the girls and no boys! I am definately sure about it. Though mom founds it a bit strange as I am more playing with the boys than the girls. Almost all of the boys are very found of me and we are playing most of the time. Of course I have invited Karin to my party. And it is soon. Lucky me.