Monday 28. January 2008
- Can we go to the store and buy a little brother?Sunday we hade a terrible weather again so we were mostly inside watching movies - me like:) I saw Shrek III and in that move they get little babies. I watch very carfully then and said: Mom, can we go to the store and buy me a little brother? Mom smiled and told me I should tell dad about it.
Karin watched too at least a little while. She kept her busy playing with her new found toy: the great dog that is almost as big as her. Mom asked if it was named Lina. Nope, Karin answered, it is Conrad! As mom couldn't see that same color and everything. She went into our room and came out with the an other dog. This time a black one. Then she said: Lina! And right she was, Lina is black and conrad is light brown.
Today I was at kindergarden while Karin had to be at home. Day nanny called and Karin had been throwing up. Yeak! She is better though and will go to her day nanny first thing in the morning.
When mom had finished her work she brought me with her to the stable and we went for a long ride with Rodi. We both sat on the horse and today we went tölting a lot! I liked it even more today! Then I helped mom cleaning the stable. Nice day!
Comment? 28.01.2008 kl. 22:00
Saturday 26. January 2008
- Sport school Breidablik!!Later today... Mom and I went for a long ride and I tried tölt and trout fror the first time. I didn't found it particularly comfortable as in walk. You see when you walk you can look on all the nice things in the surrounding while when tölting you only have to concentrate to not fall off the horse. Anyway, mom held me in her arms so I guess I was in good hands ;)
Karin also went for a small ride. Look at these nice pictures:

I have switch athletic class and from now on I will go on Saturdays instead of Sundays. We tried it this morning and I liked it a lot. Though children were a little bit too young for me so next Saturday I will go one hour later with the "old" kids.
Saturday and guess what - Karin and I had some candy. Mom made us a whole bag! At the moment we are waiting for dad who had to run to the building store. When he is back we will go up to the stable and mom has promised us to go horse ridning. Today mom will ride Rodi and I will too sit infront of her. I will tell you later how it went.
See ya! and have a nice weekend...
Comment? 25.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Friday 25. January 2008
- Congratulation Dad - it is all men's day!!Mom bought him flower and all over Iceland it has been celabration of all men. Today is "Bondedagur" which is an old tradition and the man of the house has his own day. Today also Thorrin, starts, in which you eat all sour food as lamb testicles, lamb head and other nice stuff ;)
Comment? 25.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Sunday 20. January 2008
- Happy Birthday Dad!!We sang for dad, both Karin and I. We had also made drawings and we bought him flowers and gave him birthday presents. He got blankets feet wraps from BackOnTrack
Weekends has been great with lots of snow and we have been horse back riding most of the time. Of course I went to my athletic class this morning while I think that being in the stable is more fun. I was taking care of Rodi all day and dad took me for a longer ride this time. See all the pictures in the gallery.
Karin has found a new friend in the dog. She was feeding him the other day... she calls him "voffa" :)

Comment? 15.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Tuesday 15. January 2008
- 3,5 Years checkI am very proud of me. I have been to a health check for 3,5 years and I managed all with a golden star! I am 101 cm tall and 15 kg. The nurse showed me lots of pictures which I had to tell her what it was and I had to count it and what colour it had. I also had to answer lots of questions like what I do when I am hungry, when I am tired and if I had a cat or a horse. I told her I had a horse called Rodi. I also told her my friends are Hulda-Maria and Gunnar. She asked me if I could draw mom and dad and of course I could. At the end I had to see on letters on the wall and pick out the one she pointed at. In understanding I scored 19 (normal is 15.5) and in development I scored 27 (normal is 24)
karin is sick at home. Fever. I hope she will be better soon
Comment? 15.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 14. January 2008
- Princess RodiYup, horses are brought to town. This year we have full house with 7 horses. On Sunday morning we were discussing wether who has a princess horse or not. Mom told about me about her Princess while I countered I too had a princess horse. Mom asked me for its name. Rodi! How stupied can she be, she already knew this! Then she asked me if dad also has a princess horse. I shaked my head how can he when he is the king? Of course he has king horse!
We went to Borganes and when mom and dad were working with the horses Karin and I were at Kristin's place. How nice it was to see her again.
Sundays I went to my athletic class and it was soo nice to be there again. It went very well this time and I was listening all the time and did everything the teacher told me to do.
Here are some pics from Sunday fun in the Stable:

See more picture in my gallery.
Comment? 14.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 09. January 2008
- UpdatesMom has made many updates and hava a look in my gallery for new pictures from Sweden. She has also put a new pic of me in monthly pictures and now you can also download Kung Bores Rike if you want.Have a nice reading those of you who know Swedish ;)
At the moment this is my favourite hobby:

Comment? 09.01.2008 kl. 18:00
Monday 07. January 2008
- A great time in SwedenOur trip to grannies in Sweden had it all. Winter wonderland, skiing, scoters, fun times with grannies, plenty of christmas gifts - oh yes, santa came ;)
We started by cutting our own christmas tree and decorated it later in that evening. So finaly was Christmas Eve and I don't remember when we had such fun! It was lovely to meet uncle Kalle and Ingela, Lennart while most of all we liked when Santa came from the woods.
You bet mom took lots of pictures and we will put it here as soon as possible. Mom got a new camera from Santa she is very proud of.