Thursday 28. August 2008
- In training
It is unbelievable august is already coming to an end and we have been at home for almost a month. Yesterday I was on the phone with grandpa and I told him I miss him a lot and wanted him to come for a visit soon. And I do miss both my grandparents a lot.
Our weeks has been very busy and mom even worse. She has been working too much lately and we girls hope she will calm down a bit. Though she has promised to be off work all weekend and we will spend lots of time together. On Saturday we will go to Borganes for a funeral. It’s a person we hardly know while she who died was a neighbor to dad while he was a young child. It is not the funniest thing to do on a Saturday while mom has told me we girls will on show up at the coffee later on. I will meet grandpa Markus and that is always fun.
One thing I have been asking mom for a very long time now is to go to see the play about Pinocchio, you know the little boy made in wood. You might remember I went there with mom last spring and the play will continue even this fall. Mom has told me we will all go this time :) And Karin has started to go to the toilet almost every day now. It is her own decision and if she wants to do a poop she tells mom she needs to go. Good for her!
Comment? 28.08.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 20. August 2008
- Farmer´s festival in Skagafjörður
We are back after a great weekend in the north. Farmer´s festival was really fun were we saw lots of animals; sheep, calfs, hen´s and of course horses. We traveled together with our friends Johanna and Julius and we stayed at in a nice summer house that mom and dad had rented. It had a hot tube in the back yard and you bet we liked it a lot!
Yesterday I started to suffer from a bad cold so mom has been at home with me since then. However she has been wondering about my sickness as I have been running around like never before. The fever will though not recover mom told me I have to be at home even tomorrow.
Mom has put some pics from last weekend and from my birht day party I had a month ago. Don´t forget to have a look :)
Comment? 20.08.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 13. August 2008
- Finally some picsMom has finally got to an end with all th pics we took during our holiday in Sweden. Please have a look and as you might see we had a wonderful time.
This weekend we are heading north to a farmer festival. Mom is going to work while we girls with have lots of quality time with dad. Our best friends Johanna and Julius will also join us.
Comment? 13.08.2008 kl. 18:00
Wednesday 6. August 2008
- We are backOur summer holiday has come to an end and everything is back to normal. Karin and I started our kindergarten and mom and dad are back to work. I must admit it was nice to be back though our summer has been adorable. We have got five weeks together with grannies and it has just been like a fairy tale.
Of course we have done and seen much and I know mom has taken plenty of pics you will see later on. I guess funniest part was our visit in Santa world where we met dragons, Santa, trolls and princesses. On our second part we went to our summer house and here we got the greatest weather ever with about 30 degrees and sunshine. We were running naked most of the time and we were bathing in the river, going on boat trips and fishing. So nice.
Both Karin and I have developed our Swedish to mom´s great interest.
We got back last Sunday and we started at once to play with all our toys we have been missing a lot. I started to play with my doll, the pink horse and of course I had to see as much I could of my movies.
Yeah, have patient and please come back. Here will be plenty of new stuff in a short while :)