Saturday 31 August Long time no see
We are both well now, my sister and I though I still have lots of dots on my back. I am waiting for it to fall off.
I don't know if I told you while after summer I had to start in a new group at my play school. Something about the rules and as I was bit too old for the one I was use to. We were 3 girls that were moved. Ok, fine with that, I thought though I am not pretty much in for it at the moment. Actually I do not like it at all and is really suffering at the moment. I am crying every morning and I am walking over to my old group just to get one glimpse of them trough the window. When we are outside playing I am always heading to my old teacher Obba and she hugs me telling me everything will be alright. It will not. I do not like my new group!
When coming home mom hugged me and we were watching TV together. I told mom it might be ok while I am really missing my old group. Sometimes life is difficult.
Titti tries to cheer me up and she is teasing me like never before. I love my sister very much and we have started to play very well together.
This weekend
we will meet up with Johanna and Julius and on Sunday mom will bring in her
stallion. My horse Rodi will also be brought to town and you bet I will go
horse riding!
So long folks!
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