Friday June 22 2007
On Sunday we are celebrating Anna Björk on her 3rd birthday! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N !!!!
and dad are writing:
It is increadibly how time flies. Almost we have forgot how tired we were
after those 24 hours it took for Anna Björk to come out and see first
sight of world. First days were overwhelming. We had become parents to this
little beauty. And believe it or not it is 3 years ago. One memory was when
we one week after her birth was going to an after check and nights had definately
been different we were use to - well, not this night and we all 3 were sleeping
harder than ever. Suddenly we woke up and mom told dad we had over slept.
Dad jumped up like some one had put a knife in his back and went to see
the little one. She was ok. And we managed to see doctor in right tiem.
Anna Björk knows what she wants and her will is extreamly strong. She has a big heart and is bright in learning things. She can count to 10, talk both Swedish and Icelandic and she has learnt the sign language. Painting is one of her favorite things to do. Her pink bunney is still her solace when she's sad or tired.
She found out very early about watching movies and she definately loves it. She can watch forever and same movie is over and over going on. Books is also a great interest of her and she likes "mamma mu" and the book about "Anna och långa Farbrorn" and she has a song book she has memories all songs in. We read bed times stories and sings almost every night.
In the beginning she did not like to be a big sister. Acutally she refused her little sister and had a difficult time. Though it only took a few days to accept and today she is very found of her little sister while they have already learnt how to fight. She likes animals; especially her horse Rodi and cats :)
New born
1 year
2 years
3 years
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