Wednesday 19. December 2007
- A Merry ChristmasOn Saturday we are heading for Sweden. Finally. Last days have been boring as we are sick again though today we are feeling a bit better.
I guess this will be last blog this year and as we are in Sweden during all holidays I would like to wish all my readers:
A merry Christmas and a Happy New 2008

ps. new pictures in my gallery
Comment? 19.12.2007 kl. 18:00
Friday 14. December 2007
- A proud mom.Yesterday evening was day D for our Lucia concert. I and Karin were there with mom and when final rehearsal was I refused to go off stage. I stood there will all the other small children and tried to follow those steps. The thing is children under age of 4 are not allowed to participate and AB is only 3. Anyway, the choir leader decided to give permission and I was dressed up in a long white skirt and got an electric candle that I should hold in my hand. They decided I should sit in mom's knee until choir has arrived on stage and then enter too. While I refused this too. I wanted to enter with the other's all from the beginning. I got OK from the choir leader.
Today mom is very proud of me!
And Knut was fantastic! His masterpiece of the O holy night was amazing. I got a picture of him and I will launch it here later.
Today we have terrible weather - again - and we are expecting windforces up to 50 m/s. All the schools are closed while kindergarden was open.
Comment? 14.12.2007 kl. 08:00
Tuesday 10. December 2007
- Later the same day - some baking.We did some baking when we came home today. It was really fun and I loved the smell :)

When done we put a shoe in our window as tomorrow first Yule-lads arrives :)
Comment? 03.12.2007 kl. 08:00
Tuesday 11. December 2007
- Famous - we are in the newspaper "Frettabladid".Yes it is true! Mom, Karin and I are in the newspaper today. Very nice picture of all of us and a great story telling about Christmas and Lucia. On Thursday we will go to the church listening to a concert, mom will introduce it :)
Comment? 11.12.2007 kl. 08:00
Monday 10. December 2007
- Weekend fun.If you asked me what I like most of all I guess I will probalby answer going to the forest. I love the forest and especially when we are lighting a fire and having lunch outside. Mom had "pre-christmas" with her work Saturdays and we all went up to the forest. And guess who came for visit? Santa Clause!
I hope you all are reading my calendar and I would like to remind you to put your speakers on. :)
Comment? 10.12.2007 kl. 08:00
Wednesday 05. December 2007
- Peter and the wolf are under my bed.Last night I couldn't sleep. When I have been lying in my bed for ages I climbed into mom who was watching the telly. I told her I couldn't sleep as Peter and the Wolf were lying under my bed. She huged me and we went into their room and she read a bed time story. I love those moments. For the moment I have a favourite book I have got from my grand mother. "all my best fairytales" and it has such a beautiful pictures.
And guess what!!! I hardly believe myself. Mom, my sister and I will be in the newspaper on Friday. Yup it is true! Mom is the chairman for the swedish association here in Iceland and upcoming next week is one part of the christmas holidays'. It is the tradtion of Lucia and the newspaper was here interviewing mom and they took pictures of all us. I wore my new pink Christmas dress and Titti wore a nice christmas dress too. We were like angels - or like princesses of course :) You bet I am longing to see ourself in the paper on Friday :)
Yesterday we were doing christmas decoration at my kindergarden. Lots of children and lots of parents got together and we were all doing many nice things. I felt a bit sorry for mom as she still was sick though she managed becaused she knew I really wanted to.
now it is only 2 weekendes left until we will go to Sweden!
Comment? 03.12.2007 kl. 08:00
Monday 03. December 2007
- Sickness in the familyI felt pretty sorry for mom this weekend. She had made great plan for all of us - and all went failure. We all were lying sick with a really bad cold. Though we manage to christmas decorate and we could light first candle. That's all. When mom walked me to my kindergarden this morning she still was very sick while she told me it is not very long until we will go by air plane to grannies. You bet I am looking forward!
See ya!