Lamb collection in Snaefellsnes

Last weekend we went to see something really exiting!! We went to see when they brought the lamb down from the hills. It took them all Saturday and the lamb were collected by horses, people and dogs.
We stayed at our grand father's place and during the Sunday we were watching the lamb being sorted out to each owner. Of course mom had to try!
I have now accepted to be at the play school and there are no problem for me to be left while I am always very happy to see mom or dad picking me up. Mom is working each other day and she loves being back at work – I wonder why, didn't she like to be at home with us children? I asked mom about it and she smiled at me telling me she loved those days being home with us. This is how things work in life, she has to be at work and I has to be at play school. This is how you are developing yourself by meeting friends and learning things. She huged me and told me now it is even more nice to be with me and Titti when she is at home. Right she is! We are always doing nice things together while at home!
We also went to Yðstu-garðar for visiting dad's uncle.
I have met Pippi Långstrump. It is my new favourite and I tell stories about her. We watched Pippi at my play school and all the other children sat down on the floor. Can you imagine - ON THE FLOOR!! I always watch a moving sitting on a chair, so I did. Brought a chair infront of all children and sat down...