Hard Rock Hallelujah
Saturdays it was Eurovision Song Contest and I was watching and dancing all the time. I loved Carola; the Swedish singer while the Finish song “Hard Rock Hallelujah” was amazingly cool. Mom danced with me while dad shakes his head saying mom is crazy...
I probably have the most wonderful and calm sister anyone can have! Her stomach ace in the evening is gone so she is completely satisfied with everything. Her good night sleep starts about 20.30 and she does not wake up until 06:30. She gets her first breakfast and falls asleep again until 07.45 when she gets her second breakfast. We all get up at 08 having breakfast with dad before he leaves for work.
I do not like to go to bed early in the evening and who does when dad comes home so late from work I want to be some time with him! Usually I fall asleep at 21:30 and that too late mom says. Of course it’s difficult for me to wake up in the mornings.
I have my second breakfast about nine. At 10 we all go to Rolo where I am playing with my friends. Titti has her first day sleep. At noon we are having lunch and then time for me to have my day sleep. Titti gets her lunch too. I sleep for 2 hours and Titti does too. Then I am ready for playing. Sometimes we go to the stable, sometimes we go swimming and sometimes we are out rocking. Mom is very pleased with it.
Titti has started to raise her head while lying on her stomach. She does not like it at all as a matter of fact she does not exercise at all. Mom says she’s glad she did not get one more child just like me. I wonder what she means about that?
Tomorrow I will celebrate my grand father Markus on his birthday.
Titti 3 months
My sweet little sister Titti is 3 months - wow time flies! I must say I really love her a lot and I have started to take care of her like she was my own baby. I can switch diaper on her without any problems, I give her the soothers when she needs it and I rocky her when she sits in her rocky chair. Talking about babies my favourite book is "When the wild baby came home" (När Busiga Bebben kom hem) by Thomas Svensson. I got this book from grannies and mom has to read it for me every night. Gosh I like this book!
At the moment I am developing my language. Mom is very proud and surprised of me as I tell her new words every day now. Today I learn "ita" which means, "push" in Icelandic. I also said "Hanna" when I met my best friend Johanna.
Oh, I almost forgot!! I have started at "Rolo" - it is an outside play garden with lots of children and one kind of day care for children who are not in play school. We are going there every Monday to Friday between 10 and 12. I can tell you I love playing with other kids!
During the weekend my auntie Kicki came for visit and we had such a fun together. She brought me to Keflavik were a daughter to a friend of her had birthday. There were lots of kids and lots of cakes. Nice!
Wow – long time no see! Great things have been happening lately and it still does! My dear beloved grand parents are here at the moment so I am having lots of fun. While they are here I am staying at their place! I have got lots of presents clothes, sleeping clothes, books! During the weekend we stayed at a Summerhouse in Skorradalur.
Fridays Titti was baptised. She was very nice and slept all time while she was in the church however when arriving at home she cried all evening. Mom was a bit tired I can tell you.
Before grand parents arrived mom, Titti and I went to see my aunties in Grundafjördur. Kicki is definitely my favourite and I had lots of fun. She taught me how to bicycle!
I do not have much time to write as we are going to the swimming pool now. see ya