Days of my life...
Hi folks,It has been a while since mom wrote here while it seems like her pregnancy is making her even more tired. She says there is no place left now - and I can tell you, I believe her because she has a belly I never seen. Her friend Matilda recently gave her a book about pregnancy and birth. Mom and I have read it many times and I guess I have started to understand what's going on. It's a baby and it is inside moms belly. Mom has asked me if I have one too - then I look down at my belly and I shake my head; no it's far from that big it can't be.
Before New Years I got a vaccine and 11 days later - read last week - I got heavy fever I had to be at home for 3 days. Not so fun however we were expecting it. I have also got 1 more tooth - now I have 15 teeth.
Winter wonderland has arrived in Iceland and it is nice to be out in the snow. Mom and I were out all Saturday first playing in the snow for some while and then we helped dad to arrange the stable. I had my pink bunny with me all the time, which probably wasn't very splendid idea as it got so dirty mom throw him in the washing machine as soon as we came home. How dared she!! I was complete tired after being out all day, I was hungry and my mode totally crashed. I freaked out - screaming, shouting like never before - for over an hour! It all ended I fall asleep on mom's big belly. What a day...
Sundays we brought our horses to the stable in Reykjavik. Our new car was perfect for dragging 4 horses. We also were visiting my grand father in Borgafjördur. It was very cold and lots of snow there. Outside it is still snowing, this morning it's about half a meter of snow and -10 degrees.
Otherwise I am mostly looking forward to our trip to Sweden. My uncle is getting married and we are heading for Oslo in Norway this time. In Oslo we will take the bus up to Trysil where grandfather will meet up with car. Further its a drive in 1,5 hour to a small place called Idre located north/west in Sweden. We will stay for 7 days.
A new Pablo Picasso for mom

By a coincidence little sweetie found out the thing of drawings – or did she learn to draw at her day care? I did not give her any pens neither paper while one day she had managed to open one of the drawer where I keep my art stuff – do not ask me how she found out I kept my stuff there...
She took some pens, paper and sat down to her little table and started to draw. I stared at her and she glimpsed up to me smiled like never before. I was amazed of her art style – like a real Picasso, don’t you think?
7 things - mom has been tagged
Mom has been tagged by Leann - a bit tricky but very fun! Thanks for that! SEVEN THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE
1. Get married – B; I am still waiting...
2. Compete at Landsmot – World Championship competition in Icelandic Horses.
3. Breed the greatest stallion ever – yeah, it is never forbidden to wish huh?
4. Give birth to 3 children. One more left... phu!
5. Travel to Australia and New Zeeland
6. Go cowboy riding in US
7. Have an art exhibition. Love painting and art crafts but give it too less time. When retired I will have my own studio...
1. Get a sea diving license. Too afraid of sharks
2. Travel to the moon
3. Run a marathon – too boring and I will give up after a short while. As my father say: I know how to run so I don’t need any further practice.
4. Fix car problems – too boring and why do it when I have a man to do it for me?
5. Accept lies or corruption
6. Get younger – all have to accept getting older
7. Be a model on the Paris Catwalk – would never manage to be skinny and is not that tall.
1. Spiritual Gloria – the Gloria that makes him have THAT little extra
2. Sense of Humour
3. Honesty
4. Good in practical things – so I don’t need to do them LOL
5. A horse whisper
6. Interesting thoughts
7. Be a good father
1. My little sweetie
2. Do not touch. Little Sweetie loves to do things she is not allowed to do. Must be from her dad...
3. Hi honey – how are you? ... When I interrupt him at work several times a day.
4. Stop it... to the horses...
5. Good boy – to the horses again...
6. Good night honey – I love you.
7. **** Copy from Leann – my company name.
· All by Paolo Cohelo. This brazil writer who books, translated into 56 languages, have not only topped the bestseller lists, but have gone on to become the subject of social and cultural debate. The ideas, philosophy and subject matter covered in his books touch the aspirations of millions of readers searching for their own path and for new ways of understanding the world. For mention some of them The Alchemist – about this shepherd who begins a journey to find out about his treasure. Indicated to every one to follow its dreams and that it very often ends by finding your treasure where you once started. Eleven Minutes – I know, its about a prostitute while she has some real interesting thoughts about what real love is about. Veronica decides to die – a corrupt situation about a girls attempt to a suicide.She did not succeed however it damages her heart and it gives her only a couple of days more to live. I still can’t decide if I liked the complete no expecting ending or not while it gives you a great journey in finding the truth and meaning of life. By the river Piedra I sat down and wept – this book grabbed me at exactly at the right time when I realized a work carrier is not the top of everything in life and that you are nothing without a family.
· Helen Fielding – this English journalist who has become an icon after publishing Bridget Jones diary and Bridget Jones – the edge of reason.
· All by Astrid Lindgren – This fairytales writer about Lina Longstocking, Emil in Katthult, and Madicken... you name them all. I read them when I was a child; I now read them for my child. A shame she did not get the Nobel price before she died.
1. Bridget Jones. Mom once said to me – I have realized you passion for Bridget because she is a copy of you (or was – I assume I have left my bad smoking, drinking and love stories habits behind and become a good mom and wife LOL)
2. James Bond – God I will miss Pierce Brosnan as Bond
3. The Thomas Crown Affair – same actor and gosh still very handsome! Renee Russo is also perfect in this and makes even a jetlagged Monday morning glamorous. Love her clothes in this movie!
4. Disney’s Christmas Greetings on Christmas – same program has been in the Swedish TV for over 40 years! It is a MUST to see yearly.
5. The Six Senses – I have never been a fan of Bruce Willis and here he overwhelmed me in this dramatic and fantastic movie.
6. Jägarna – "the Hunters" a Swedish movie with very much of north sense of humour and dramatic.7. Monsters Inc, Shrek and Shark Tale – yeah I know its 3 but I love the characters in all 3 and could not decide which one to chose. SEVEN PEOPLE I WANT TO JOIN IN- I'm lost here - almost all my readers do not blogg. I will send some of them mail though :)
Back to normal
Monday morning and we all are back to normal again. It has been a lovely time staying at home with mom and dad for over a week. Christmas was wonderful – mom says she could see the meaning of Christmas through me. I am not really sure what she meant while it must be my spiritual happiness when opening all gifts I had got from my family.
Our Christmas started actually on the 23rd when dad came home with a new car! Mom was thrilled that she finally has got something new to drive. It’s a Mitsubishi Double Cab so now we are able to drive everywhere and we can also bring our horses with us! Great!
We woke up very early on 24th and started with our Swedish Christmas. We went out in the wood, lit a fire and had breakfast. Mom has done this since she was very little girl and I like this tradition a lot. Our Swedish Christmas ended at 18 when we went to our beautiful Hallgrimskirkja – the Church of Reykjavik. It was filled with people that mean about 800 people. I loved to hear all songs and it gives you some kind of peace.
After the church our Icelandic Christmas started. Pork for dinner and then finally it was time to open Christmas gifts. I am mostly proud of my new doll, a doll house and a small table in wood while I liked all the other gifts too. I got a snow-sledge too and on Christmas Day we all were out playing with it.
One day between Christmas and New Year we went up to our horses and my mom’s stallion. He had grown a lot lately and both dad and mom was satisfied what they saw. I stayed in the car as it was a bit too cold. I do not like to be left alone in the car I can tell you!
A new year has started and it will be filled with great happenings, I am sure about it. In January 28th my uncle will get married in Sweden. Mom called Icelandair this morning to check out her possibilities to fly and there were no worries as long as she has not 4 weeks count down left for birth. I am looking forward to go as I really miss my grand parents. Then in March my brother or sister will arrive. I still don’t understand it but mom is sure I will later on.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year 2006 to all my family and friends!! New years eve is very special here in Iceland. I went with mom and dad to his cuisine Lilja and her family for a tremendous dinner nice folks and a great fire work show. We got lobster as starter, London Lamb, Grouse, Turkey as main course and ice cream for desert. Reykjavik is basically exploding during midnight and I was amazed to see all this! I have never been up so late – I did not got to sleep until 00:30 when I fall asleep in the sofa.
We are all a bit tired today so it will be a short blog. One more time:
I wish you all good luck and a Happy New Year.
Ps. how do you like my glasses?