Thursday, November 24, 2005
Romeo and Julia.
I have been in Sweden working for some while now. Time “over there” is always very hectic and each time it reminds me of my old days living there with a full-time prospected agenda. I do not miss those days. This week has been a back flash and an agenda filled from 6 in the morning to 8-9 in the evenings. Do I need to tell you I am exhausted after my trip? It felt very good to be back in Iceland – like a relief of finally putting old memories behind again.
Anyway, still I am very satisfied with my trip as it gave me lots of new prospects and it was definitely worth all pressure and early wake up calls. Even this trip I was focusing on systems for Quality Management and particularly the new Human Resource program containing record management for Competence and Training. It has not been a big issue before as the European standard does not contain a clear picture for this kind of questions. Now my customers is getting more focused on the American standards and gets deeper requirements for these issues. Our new program I introduced got lots of applauds so it feels very good to be on the right track. It also gave me the opportunity to finish my Christmas gifts shopping, spending some time with mom and dad.
One evening we went to the opera for seeing the old Shakespeare’ classic Romeo and Julia play. As all other times I spend at the opera I am asking myself why I do not go more often. This particularly dramatic love affair with actresses high above normal standard was amazingly spell bounded. I was astonished over its scenery and it took me many hours of thoughts to be back to normal again.
The history of Romeo and Julia – a never ending story.
For many are Romeo and Julia the truth for the real love. These two youngsters who meet at a fancy-dress ball and fell in love with each other – even though they are from families who is competing each other: Capulet and Montague. They get married in secret but Julia’s father is planning a complete different marriage for his daughter. Julia decides to take a poison that will make her sleep so deeply everybody will think she is dead, just to be able to escape with Romeo later. On her own wedding day she drops dead. Her family places her in the family grave where Romeo finds her later. He misunderstands the situation and takes his own life to join up with his lover. When Julia later wakes up she finds Romeo dead and decides to follow him through death.
I have been in Sweden working for some while now. Time “over there” is always very hectic and each time it reminds me of my old days living there with a full-time prospected agenda. I do not miss those days. This week has been a back flash and an agenda filled from 6 in the morning to 8-9 in the evenings. Do I need to tell you I am exhausted after my trip? It felt very good to be back in Iceland – like a relief of finally putting old memories behind again.
Anyway, still I am very satisfied with my trip as it gave me lots of new prospects and it was definitely worth all pressure and early wake up calls. Even this trip I was focusing on systems for Quality Management and particularly the new Human Resource program containing record management for Competence and Training. It has not been a big issue before as the European standard does not contain a clear picture for this kind of questions. Now my customers is getting more focused on the American standards and gets deeper requirements for these issues. Our new program I introduced got lots of applauds so it feels very good to be on the right track. It also gave me the opportunity to finish my Christmas gifts shopping, spending some time with mom and dad.
One evening we went to the opera for seeing the old Shakespeare’ classic Romeo and Julia play. As all other times I spend at the opera I am asking myself why I do not go more often. This particularly dramatic love affair with actresses high above normal standard was amazingly spell bounded. I was astonished over its scenery and it took me many hours of thoughts to be back to normal again.

For many are Romeo and Julia the truth for the real love. These two youngsters who meet at a fancy-dress ball and fell in love with each other – even though they are from families who is competing each other: Capulet and Montague. They get married in secret but Julia’s father is planning a complete different marriage for his daughter. Julia decides to take a poison that will make her sleep so deeply everybody will think she is dead, just to be able to escape with Romeo later. On her own wedding day she drops dead. Her family places her in the family grave where Romeo finds her later. He misunderstands the situation and takes his own life to join up with his lover. When Julia later wakes up she finds Romeo dead and decides to follow him through death.