Breaking news
Still very sick, or I would say even worse :( Sunday it all break down again and here I am with high fever and my nose is even worse. Dad was at home until lunchtime and then mom came home from work. I was feeling so poorly and I did not leave mom’s side for one second. While I was sleeping mom laid next to me and while I was awake I sat in her knees. It felt so good to be near her. She hugged me and read stories for me trying to cheer me up. Late in the evening my fever was so high mom got really worried and called dad at his work. He had to work over time but now he was on his way home. He stopped at the drugstore and bought me some medicine for bringing my fever down. I felt much better at once and I could sleep all night without any troubles. This morning I was feeling better though far from all right. Dad is at home at the moment and mom will come home after lunch.
In all these mess I have some breaking news to tell all of you. I am going to get a brother or sister! It’s the same kind of thing my best friend Johanna got for some while ago. She got at brother and I hope I will get that too. At least mom thinks it is. She has this feeling like the same feeling she had while she was carrying me. I don’t know how she can manage this but she knew all from the beginning I was a girl. It is possible to check this with science but mom doesn’t want to. However who needs a confirmation when it’s all ready clear for you? Time is set to 3rd of March.
Congratulations!! How exciting, a brother or sister to play with!
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling poorly tho :-( Sometimes it's difficult to get just the right combination of medicines and healing.
I knew the last few weeks of my pregnancy with my daughter she would be a girl and I knew immediately that my son was a boy. Women just have a born intuition on these things LOL I did not want to know ahead of time if I was right or wrong, whatever it was I would love it and it would be perfect!
Again, congratulations Maria and my prayers will be with you during your pregnancy (well, always, but especially now) :-)
Thank you Leann, it was good to read this after a night awake with a crying sweetie. Her fever is still very high and she has been throwing up all night - meanwhile I have forced her to drink her milk as she refuses water. She was sleeping when I went to work and I hope this night was the end of it and she will be better today.
I'm surprised you give her milk when she has a fever. My knowledge has always been, and perhaps it's an olds wives tale, but when they have a fever, the milk curdles in their stomach and makes them sick. If she's holding it down, I guess that's good.
It's very easy for them to get dehydrated. It's difficult when they are so small because they can't tell you what's wrong. :-(
Maria, thank you so much for the words of encouragement on my blog and the move. While I'll miss Pendleton, I certainly won't "pine" for it. It is also a very desolate and lonely place. I'm very excited about my move to Alaska and plan to make the most of it.
Hope Anna is feeling better and you and your husband are able to be more rested.
Oh, I did not know about the milk. And the doctor did not say anything about it either. I will keep it in mind next time. Thanks. However it has been a desperate move for getting her to drink liquid as she has been refusing everything else, I was afraid she was going to dry out.
It has been one of a toughest week ever. She had very high fever until noon today. Last night we went to the hospital again and it turned out she had got ear inflammation so she got penicillin. At the moment it seems to be turning and her fever was almost gone this night. I have been working 50% (normally I work 100%) and my husband has been working from noon until midnight every evening. Yesterday I was completely exhausted after the sweetie had been sitting in my knees crying all day. It is difficult when you don’t get any support and all left alone with a very sick baby. Devastating
But still, after rain comes sunshine and I hope this sickness is over for this time. Next week all will be forgotten. :)
You are welcome. I know how it was for me when I left for a new path and the worries of will I miss this and that... oh, it was sometimes very difficult moments but still – some days while I am day dreaming I have been thinking about how it was. And yes, I do miss it sometimes but I would never like to bring it back. Life has to go on.
I'm sooo glad to hear Anna is feeling better. Ear infections are nasy creatures and make them miserable!
I know how exhausting it can be. Being a single mom of two....well, lets say I can relate :-)
You are right, one cannot look back, but has to look towards the future. I struggle every day to live life in the moment and not think about the future. Normally, dwelling in the past is not a habit of mine :-)
God bless you and keep you and yours.
Oh....I wanted to tell you, since you told me of the energy in the glaciers, I have been using the rocks I found at a glacier in Alaska for my meditation and they work wonderfully...lots of energy. Thank you for that.
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