Summer, summer, summer

It is blue sky and temperature over 20 degrees (over 65 F) it must be heat record for Iceland! Mom has been sick lying at home with a terrible bad cold. I have tried to cheer her up by showing how good I am in bringing stuff to her – of course it is stuff I am not allowed to have, like Remote Controls etc. So instead of hunting me, which she was not able to as she was feeling poorly, I took it and then gave it to her as soon she said thanks! Wasn’t that sweet of me?
Even though mom wasn’t feeling particularly well we head west for the weekends and I visited grandma. Even though she is suffering for a Parkinson disease she was looking really good at the moment. She had lost a lot of weight and had got a really nice tan. On our way back home I got an ice cream for the first time. It was yummy!!

We also drove around the great glazier Snaefellsness. Mom told me to focus so I could feel the power. I think I did, and it made me so tired I fall asleep at once.
Anna Björk
Over 65 is a heat wave for iceland? bbrr..not sure I want to go
Glad you are feeling better.
Anna looks like she is really enjoying the ice
Are you out there girl? Oh yeah, you were going to Sweden huh? Hope you are having a wonderful time!!
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