A rocking pony

I had this bad feeling all evening – you know this feeling you can get in your stomach when you have received a bad news or something. Mom and dad tried to get me into better mode and we were playing with some of my books. It was alright but still I was thinking of this new pale how lonely it must be in this big store.
Then this morning I realized it was brought to me - my happiness was total. Jumping up and down for several minutes while dad was putting it together I finally could take a ride again. And I did... smiling. I had found my love again.
Anna Björk
ps. to my Pink Bunny: I love you too – always have, always will
Very cute pony Anna. Ride em cowgirl!! One day you and your folks will have to visit the town I live in. We have the biggest Rodeo in the State...it's world renowned. The Pendleton Round-Up.
YOu'd love it!!
yeah, I have never seen a rodeo. That would be fun!
I love Rodeo's. They are so much fun!! It's true when they say you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl!
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