Just keep swimming!

Today mom took me to the Swimming pool. All swimming pools here in Iceland are always outside even though the weather is not always beach temperature. I think it’s because of all the natural hot water we have here in Iceland. Heita pottir is the Icelandic word for hot tube and its like small cups you are sitting into. There are always many different hot tubes with different temperature - warmest is about 45 degrees Celsius. I found it too hot but my mom loves it - at least for a while.
I have always loved the water and I am sprinkling as soon I realize we are heading for the pool. Mom put red "balloons" on my arms so I can float. I am not afraid at all for the water and sometimes mom doesn't understand that. She grabs me when I am trying to swim away and then I am sprinkling even more. It is so fun!
I think it depends on mom and dad brought me very early to the Swimming pool. Mom has told as soon as I was able to hold my head we went to the pool. I was 3 months then. This picture is from my first time at the pool.
See ya
Anna Björk
What does sprinkling mean? You use it a few times in this post and I can't quite grasp the meaning.
oh, sorry leann, I should probably think of word considaration.
Splashing? But its not really truth either. How do you say when she is not still for one second and she is so happy her legs and arms are waving?
I would call it animated. But in the pool when she is animated it equals splashing...lol
As for moving to Alaska, yes, it is still in the consideration stage.
ok, I see - interesting to learn new things :) Both in Swedish and in Icelandic we have a special word for this – "spritter" – and the explanation for this is more "like getting electric shots" but I realized it cant be translated into english because who would like to have electric shots in the water... LOL
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